
University of L'Aquila, Italy

Assegnista di Ricerca 

May 2022 - present

University of Reading, UK

EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow (one year position)

September 2021 - May 2022

LMS Early Career Fellow (six months funding)

July 2021 - September 2021

Teaching Experience

Course Matematica 0 (first year calculus and foundation), Oct 2023 - Nov 2023

Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of L’Aquila.

Lecture preparation, lecture delivery, exam setting, exam marking.

Course Ergodic theory for SPDEs and its applications, Feb 2023

PhD in Mathematics and Modelling, DISIM, University of L’Aquila

Lecture preparation, lecture delivery.

Teaching Assistant for Istituzioni di Matematiche (first year analysis and linear algebra), Nov 2022 - June 2023

Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of L’Aquila.

Tutorial preparation, tutorial delivery.

Student Demonstrator for Real Analysis 1-2, Calculus 1, Stochastic Calculus and Probability, Sep 2018 - Feb 2021

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Reading.

Tutorial delivery, assignment marking, exam marking.

Tutor at LMS Research School Mathematics of Climate, University of Reading Jul 2019

Tutorial preparation, tutorial delivery.

Student Demonstrator for Data and Uncertainty, Oct - Dec 2017

Mathematics of Planet Earth CDT, University of Reading and Imperial College London

Tutorial delivery, assignment marking, exam marking.

Selected conferences

Enjoying probability and fluids in Lausanne, Bernoulli Center, EPLF, 18-22 September 2023 (invited speaker)

ICIAM 2023, 20-25 August, Tokyo, invited talk in minisymposium Data-driven and physics-informed techniques in Data Assimilation

Third Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Bologna, 16-19 June 2022 (Contributed Presentation)

EGU General Assembly 2020,  May 2020, Display Presentation Online.

SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth, September 2018, Oral Presentation, Philadelphia, USA.

EGU General Assembly, April 2018, Oral Presentation, Vienna, Austria 

UNFCCC COP23 (Bonn, 2017) and COP24 (virtually, 2018, thanks to the Walker Institute)

Internship / Research visits

Tulane University, New Orleans, hosted by prof Glatt-Holtz, March 2024

Newton Institute Satellite Programme at University of Reading Geophysical Fluid Dynamics; from mathematical theory to operational prediction, September 2022

Scuola Normale di Pisa and Centro Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, hosted by prof Flandoli, 16-19 May 2022.

Thematics trimester The Mathematics of Climate and the Environment, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, September – October 2019.

Met Office/MPE CDT Training and Research Summer Programme (MOTR), Exeter, UK, July - August 2019.


PhD in Mathematics, University of Reading, Oct 2017 - Nov 2021

PhD Project: Ergodic properties and response theory for a stochastic two-layer model of geophysical fluid dynamics.

Supervisors:  Jochen Broecker, Tobias Kuna

Master of Research in Mathematics of Planet Earth with Distinction, Imperial College London and University of Reading, Sep 2016 - Sep 2017

Final Project: Rate-induced tipping in nonautonomous dynamical systems with bounded noise.

Supervisors:  Jochen Broecker, Martin Rasmussen

Master’s degree in Mathematics cum laude, 

University of Bologna, Sep 2013 - Mar 2016

Final Project: On the recurrence of random walks in Lévy random environments.

Supervisor: Marco Lenci

Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics cum laude, 

University of Bologna, Sep 2010 - Sep 2013.

Final Project: Modello iperbolico del fluido perfetto barotropico e il problema dell’instabilità gravitazionale secondo Jeans.

Supervisor: Franca Franchi

Grants and Scholarships

Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation scholarship - €600

Borse INdAM GNAMPA partecipazione convegni 2023 (Travel funding from INdAM to attend ICIAM2023, Tokyo) - €1800

Borse Estero INdAM 2022-23 (one month travel grant to visit prof Glatt-Holtz at Tulane University), New Orleans, €4300. 

Participant of GNAMPA project 2023 "Modelli differenziali per l'evoluzione del clima e i suoi impatti", P.I. Piermarco Cannarsa, €4000

London Mathematical Society Early Career Fellowship, reference ECF1920-48, £7000

The Mathematics of Climate and the Environment, L'Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, September – October 2019, €1500 

University of Reading Research Travel Grant, April 2018

QJMAM Fund for Applied Mathematics, Departmental Seminar Series Funding 2018

ERASMUS+ Scholarship, Paris Diderot University, January - June 2015

Outreach and other activities

UNIVAQ street science festival: helped to coordinate and delivered outreach activities in mathematics to children and general public for the European researchers’ night, 29 September 2023.

PinKamp Poster presentation: activities to engage highschool girls with Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocxzs7fwOB0 

SIAM-IMA Student Chapter at Reading, Vice-President (2018-20),  Student-led group focused on activities for postgraduate students in applied mathematics.

Climate Interaction Group, Co-Founder, Student-led organisation focused on climate action at the University of Reading (activities spanned in 2019)

Outreach in schools regarding Women in STEM, 2017-2018, Greater London.

Mathematics of Planet Earth Exhibition, Demonstrator, Oct 2017, Imperial College London.