The answer has been split depending on whether there is one remote repository configured or multiple. The reason for this is that for the single remote case, some of the commands can be simplified as there is less ambiguity.

The branches that start with remotes/* can be thought of as read only copies of the remote branches. To work on a branch you need to create a local branch from it. This is done with the Git command switch (since Git 2.23) by giving it the name of the remote branch (minus the remote name):

Git Download Remote Branch


The * (no branch) in git branch output means that you are on unnamed branch, in so called "detached HEAD" state (HEAD points directly to commit, and is not symbolic reference to some local branch). If you made some commits on this unnamed branch, you can always create local branch off current commit:

While the first and selected answer is technically correct, there's the possibility you have not yet retrieved all objects and refs from the remote repository. If that is the case, you'll receive the following error:

As you can see, running git fetch origin retrieved any remote branches we were not yet setup to track on our local machine. From there, since we now have a ref to the remote branch, we can simply run git checkout remote_branch and we'll gain the benefits of remote tracking.

If you want to update something for a remote branch, you should create a local branch to "track" the remote branch. You can update anything you want in local and finally push to remote. If you check out to the remote branch directly after cloning your repository, you may see the "detached HEAD" status and the following message from Git:

To create a local branch to track a remote branch, you can use git checkout or git switch . If you have a file or folder has same name as your remote branch name, git checkout would output some error message, but git switch can work normally!

For us, it seems the remote.origin.fetch configuration gave a problem. Therefore, we could not see any other remote branches than master, so git fetch [--all] did not help. Neither git checkout mybranch nor git checkout -b mybranch --track origin/mybranch did work, although it certainly was at remote.

Remote references are references (pointers) in your remote repositories, including branches, tags, and so on.You can get a full list of remote references explicitly with git ls-remote , or git remote show for remote branches as well as more information.Nevertheless, a more common way is to take advantage of remote-tracking branches.

Remote-tracking branch names take the form /.For instance, if you wanted to see what the master branch on your origin remote looked like as of the last time you communicated with it, you would check the origin/master branch.If you were working on an issue with a partner and they pushed up an iss53 branch, you might have your own local iss53 branch, but the branch on the server would be represented by the remote-tracking branch origin/iss53.

To merge this work into your current working branch, you can run git merge origin/serverfix.If you want your own serverfix branch that you can work on, you can base it off your remote-tracking branch:

If you want to see what tracking branches you have set up, you can use the -vv option to git branch.This will list out your local branches with more information including what each branch is tracking and if your local branch is ahead, behind or both.

but I feel some ambiguous about the term remote branch 'staging' from 'origin' fact the so-called remote branch is also in my local repository, just it track the remote git server branch name 'staging'?then that branch should call "track remote branch 'staging' from 'origin', not my just checkouted branch?

First, there is the remote, which is a short name like origin.1 This name provides a couple of items, the most important of which is a URL. This URL lets your Git (your Git software operating on your Git repository) contact some other Git (the same or different version of the Git software, operating on some other Git repository).

Next, there are branch names like master or main and any other names you create. Each one of these names also provides a couple of items, the most important of which is to give you the hash ID of some particular commit. The commit hash ID found in a branch name is, by definition, the last commit in some chain of commits. Being "last" makes it your most recent, usually; Git calls this commit the tip commit of the branch.

But after your Git gets in touch with that Git and brings over any of their commits they have that you don't yet (so now you have them), your Git will create, in your repository, some similar names. If they have a branch named main, and your Git calls their Git origin, your Git will create origin/main. If they have a branch named develop, your Git will create origin/develop.2

Obviously, then, the term remote branches is ambiguous. Sometimes it means a branch name as seen on the remote, and sometimes it means a remote-tracking name as seen in your own repository. By using the phrase branch name as seen on the remote named _____ (fill in the blank), you can be clear about what you mean here, for instance.

The ref you have locally called origin/staging is not the remote branch. It is not a branch at all. It is a separate thing; it is a remote tracking ref (sometimes called a "remote tracking branch", which is unfortunate and confusing). It is a tool your local repo uses to track the remote branch.

And git does not mean that it's setting the new local branch up to track this remote tracking ref. It means that it's setting the new local branch up to track the remote branch (the actual branch that lives in the actual other repo), and it just so happens that it does that using the remote tracking ref origin/staging that exists locally (because it has to use local things, and of all the local things the remote tracking ref is what most accurately tells us where the remote branch is).

That means the tracking of the remote branch is only as accurate as your most recent fetch, but that's really all it means. A hunter doesn't track an animal's footprints, and you wouldn't say it's ambiguous when a hunter tells you he's tracking the animal.

I think the way to think of this is that when you run git fetch , the contents of some remote repository are cached for future use, but git doesn't think of the fetched branches as "belonging" to your repository. The "real" remote branches are still "out there" on whatever URL the remote has configured.

Similarly, when you tell git to "track" a remote branch, it records it as tracking a branch that exists in some other place that it knows the URL for. The main operations that use that association are git pull and git push, both of which actively talk to the remote repository, not just your local cache.

Some commands just use the local cache of the remote repository, e.g. you can run git log origin/foo or git merge origin/foo and they won't fetch any new data. But that aren't "remote-tracking" branches, they're just caches that might be out of date.

I had to Used this command git branch -m old branch name new branch name. In terminal its showing correct but its not updated in browser. Please let me know any having knowledge about this.

I had to Used this command git branch -m old branch name new branch name . In terminal its showing correct but its not updated in browser. Please let me know any having knowledge about this.

Note that there is a space before the colon. The command resembles the same stepsyou'd take to rename a branch. However, here, you're telling Git to push nothinginto BRANCH-NAME on REMOTE-NAME. Because of this, git push deletes the branchon the remote repository.

When you clone a repository you own, you provide it with a remote URL that tellsGit where to fetch and push updates. If you want to collaborate with the originalrepository, you'd add a new remote URL, typically called upstream, toyour local Git clone:

The git for-each-ref learned the %(upstream) token in Git 1.6.3. With earlier versions of Git you will have to extract the tracking information with git config branch..remote and git config branch..merge (probably using git for-each-ref to build the commands for each local branch name).

The git fetch command is used to download branches from a remote repository. If the repository has a single remote, running git fetch will download all branches. If the repository has multiple remotes, we must specify which remote to download from, e.g. git fetch origin.

I am a newbie to Git system. Before I found out using `git rm` to delete files, I directly delete files without using the command. For example, I have file `a.bin` in both my local and remote branch, they are synced. After I delete the `a.bin` locally without using `git rm` and then pushed to the remote branch, the `a.bin` will still be in the remote branch. So I am wondering how can I delete the `a.bin` in the remote branch without sabotaging what I have in the local one? Namely, I want to sync the remote branch to my local one.

I've made modifications on my master branch, but I would like to pull the remote master branch and delete the content on my current master branch (overwrite). Could anyone be able to tell me how to do it?

Run this from within the directory that contains your local repository. Fetching from a repository grabs all the new remote-tracking branches and tags without merging those changes into your own branches.

Another issue we are studying through the lens of FINRA360 is branch office inspections. The responsibility of firms to supervise their associated persons is a critical component of federal broker-dealer regulation. Over the last few years, and in comments we have recently received, firms have raised questions about the manner in which they must conduct internal inspections, particularly for those offices or locations with a limited number of associated persons or where only operational or limited supervisory functions take place. These locations often include personal residences of an associated person, an office of convenience where an associated person may meet a customer occasionally and exclusively by appointment, an office used by "circuit riders," or other public places. 2351a5e196

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