Conferences & Talks

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Past conferences

Talk: Nonlocal interaction kernel inference in nonlinear gradient flow equations.

Talk: Space-time fractional diffusion equations in chemotaxis and immunology.

Mini-symposium "Evolution Equations for Interacting Species - Applications and Analysis"

Talk: Interaction potential estimation in nonlinear nonlocal gradient flow equations with noisy data.

Talk: Diffusion and superdiffusion in complex domains: A network of subdomains. Video

Talk: Macroscopic limit of kinetic equations for swarming. First steps towards estimation of interaction potentials.

Talk: Macroscopic limit of kinetic equations for swarming. First steps towards estimation of interaction potentials.

Deep-dive session: Optimal Control and Inference (20 Feb-3 March 2023)

Talk: (Workshop 1 on "Multiscale analysis and methods for PDEs: fluids and active matter dynamics'' (6-10 February 2023)) 

Talk: Diffusion and superdiffusion in metaplexes.

Talk: Macroscopic limit of kinetic equations for swarming. First steps towards estimation of interaction potentials.

Talk: Macroscopic descriptions of particle systems in R^n and in networks.

Talk: Macroscopic description of nonlocal movement of biological systems.

Talk: Motility switching and front-back synchronisation in polarised cells.

Talk: From kinetic to nonlocal PDEs for individual and collective migration. Video

Talk: Nonlocal macroscopic limits of kinetic equations leading to chemotactic superdiffusion and swarming.

Talk: From kinetic descriptions to nonlocal PDEs for cell migration 

Talk: Macroscopic description of biological systems in R^n and in networks.

Talk: Treatment-induced shrinking of tumour aggregates: A nonlinear chemotactic approach.

Talk: Macroscopic description of biological systems in R^n and in networks.

Talk:  Macroscopic description of bio-inspired strategies for swarm robotic systems.

Talk: Metaplex networks: influence of the exo-endo structure of complex systems on diffusion.

Poster: Macroscopic description of Levy strategies for robotic swarms. OneSlide

Talk: Persistent cell movement leading to  Levy-like trajectories.

Talk: Being a Postdoc researcher.

Talk: Macroscopic limits of individual particle systems: Biological and robotic applications. 

Talk: Postponed


Talk: Macroscopic description of bio-inspired strategies for swarm robotic systems.

Talk: Macroscopic description of bio-inspired strategies for swarm robotic systems.

Talk: Space-time fractional diffusion equations in chemotaxis and immunology.

Talk: Diffusion in metaplexes: Complex systems with internal node structure. 

Talk: Nonlocal macroscopic limits of kinetic equations in biological and robotic systems

Talk: Macroscopic description of bio-inspired strategies for swarm robotic systems.

Talk: Nonlocal macroscopic limits of kinetic equations in biological and robotic systems.