Take Action!

Even though women won the right to vote in 1920, this was not the end of fighting for equality and fairness in regards to voting. Read about the Voting Acts of 1965 by clicking here or read about the voting age being lowered to 18 by clicking here.

Once you have learned more about current voter rights issues, determine one that is important to you and create an action plan for how you will make an impact.


Learn about the different forms of suppression, who it affects, and how you can protect your rights by checking out this page from the ACLU.

Click here to see an active feed of social media and articles in relation to voter suppression curated by the Human Rights Watch.


“Anyone can wear the mask; you can wear the mask”

-Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman


What will you do to take action?

Grab a piece of paper, computer, or poster board and follow the prompts above to create your own action plan.

Don't forget to get creative. Take inspiration from Suffragist icons, include meaningful imagery, and use our knowledge of aspects of the voting system.