
This page should be expanded with more information about getting pregnant, NPC's reactions, abortion, etc. -Pocket


Know Pregnant:

1) You've noticed that your breasts seem firmer lately and your nipples seem to be sticking out more.

2) Your breasts look and feel swollen and tingle at the slightest touch. Waking up is getting harder to do and it takes you longer to get going in the morning. Lately, just the thought of food is enough to turn your stomach. Speaking of your stomach, you can definitely feel a baby bump now, although it is still hard to see.

3) You are showing for sure now. Your tummy is starting to become rounder as it grows larger each day, although you can still wear baggy clothes to hide it. At least the morning sickness and nausea seem to have gone away for the most part.

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4) Your belly is quite swollen now and shows under even the loosest of clothes. You find yourself constantly caressing your belly without realizing it.

5) You're rapidly approaching the finish line and have entered the third trimester. Your belly is so big now that you can barely remember what your toes look like. Your back hurts most of the time and it is a struggle to get to your feet if you sit down. The baby seems to think that your bladder makes a nice punching bag.

6) Birth.

Oblivious Variation:

1) You've noticed that your breasts seem firmer lately and your nipples seem to be sticking out more.

2) Your breasts look and feel swollen and tingle at the slightest touch. Waking up is getting harder to do and it takes you longer to get going in the morning. Lately, just the thought of food is enough to turn your stomach. Speaking of your stomach, you have developed a bit of a paunch, although it is still hard to see.

3) You can't seem to stop gaining weight and your belly looks like it is getting bigger everyday, although you can still wear baggy clothes to hide it. At least the flu you've been fighting lately seems to have finally gone away for the most part.

4) Your belly is quite swollen now and shows under even the loosest of clothes. You find yourself constantly caressing your belly without realizing it.

5) You're rapidly approaching the finish line and have entered the third trimester. Your belly is so big now that you can barely remember what your toes look like. Your back hurts most of the time and it is a struggle to get to your feet if you sit down. The baby seems to think that your bladder makes a nice punching bag.

6) Birth.