Mikhail Nikolaevich

Sex = MaleĀ 

Profession = Assistant PE teacher and the Volleyball Coach

Age = ?

body_type = Athletic

hobbies = Sports

relationships = ?

Description : 'Mikhail Nikolaevich is the coach of the Pavlovsk girls volleyball team. Was heading towards the big leagues and almost became a pro himself but an injury shattered those dreams. A bit harsh sometimes because he's enormously competitive, always wanting to win no matter what. If you want to be a part of the squad you'll have to put in work one way or another.'

Can be interacted with at:

* [Pavlovsk Community Center] Dances on Friday nights

* After attending volleyball practice at Pavlovsk Community Center gym | quests = Joining the competitive volleyball team

* If the PC's Volleyball Skill is greater than 40, she can ask to join the team.

Increasing Mikhail's Lust:

* Talk to the coach while the PC's appearance is greater than 40.

* Talk to coach at the community center, while the PC is a part of the competitive volleyball team

* Select the "Try to talk" option when speaking to him

* If PC is good at volleyball [volley_skill>80] and PC is horny [Arousal>80], then she can flirt with Mikhail at the disco when he is there.

Note: In order to tease the coach further, it is important for the PC to go to practice without wearing any underwear.

Learning his past:

*At some point you will need to visit the Gym in the City to learn about his past, the wine required for the quest can be bought in the pav-market, but not on the same day of your visit to the gym.

Having sex with the coach

* As long as the pc is part of the volleyball team, and she interacts with the coach, there will be many ways to convince him to have sex with her. Most of the scenes come when Mikhail 'seems more interested in watching you practice than the other girls', when is lust for the pc is greater than 40.}}'''