Background: Computer Geek

The Computer Geek is one of the backgrounds from the Nerd social group.


You were always into computers, whether it be by playing video games, taking computers apart, or learning programing and even hacking. You love everything about computers, but this passion left you little time to make friends - real-life friends, at least. You have managed to befriend many online players that you talk to while you play various video games, however, and you rarely spend any time outdoors, nor money on clothes or other girly stuff. You are far more interested in saving your money for a better computer in order to play even better games. You have considered hosting a web series of video games or vlogs - you even took the time to learn how to video edit - but you aren't sure if you want to put yourself out there like that.


The Computer Geek has the joint highest starting [[Intelligence]] of any backgrounds, and starts with a computer.

Starting items

  • 5000 RUB

  • Computer (plus 20 hours of internet access)

  • Glasses

  • Fantasy books