Anya (Sister)

This page could do with better formatting. -Pocket

Anya is your older sister, two years your senior, but she still lives at home and shares a bedroom with you. She works at the local supermarket instead of going to the University like your mother wanted. She spends most of her free time either partying, hanging out with her friends or with her boyfriend Roma.


During the week she sleeps until 07:00. From then until 08:00 she can be found in both the bedroom and the kitchen. She then goes to work in the supermarket at the cash register. After 16:00 she can be encountered at the community center and returns to the bedroom after 18:00 and goes to sleep in the same room after 24:00.

Anya can catch the PC masturbating, if the PC starts masturbating before Anya arrives home or while she is sleeping.

After talking to her at home about her boyfriend you can meet him by talking to Anya when she is at the community center. After this when you talk to her at home about her boyfriend you may be asked to not be at home for an hour the next day starting at 18:00. Should you be aroused enough you can peek on the couple and after repeating it often enough while you are aroused you can initiate sex with your sister after she has gone to sleep. Doing this enough times will close off the waking her up for sex option, but open an option to ask her for sex while she is awake.

After some time she will invite you to stay together with her and Roma (boyfriend) for sex. You will have to ask her again, after she asks you to leave them alone for an hour.

After this she will invite you to Rex's party.

As of 7.0 Rex's party is slightly bugged and can break in game if PC misses a party or two.  The best way to keep it working currently is to:

Event: Talking with Anya about sex she will eventually admit she wants to have sex with a black man.