Evolution of Logic

How did we become the rational animal? How did we evolve languages with logical structure?  The goal of the Evolution of Logic project is to understand the origins of the human capacity for logical reasoning. Merging philosophical logic and evolutionary linguistics, the general hypothesis is that logic evolved to support social interactions and efficient communication. 


The Logic of Lexical Connectives. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2023. [Abstract]

Inclusives and Exclusives. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung, 2023. [Short paper]


June 2023: Logic and Evolution (with S. Speitel), Logic Colloquium, Milan. 

Related work:

G. Sbardolini (2022), On the Origin of Negation. Erkenntnis. [Abstract]

F. Carcassi and G. Sbardolini (2022), Assertion, Denial, and the Evolution of Boolean operators. Mind and Language. [Abstract]

L. Incurvati and G. Sbardolini (2022), Update Rules and Semantic Universals. Linguistics and Philosophy. [Abstract]

L. Incurvati and G. Sbardolini (2022), The Evolution of Denial. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. [Abstract]

G. Sbardolini (2021), Assertion, Rejection, and Semantic Universals. In S. Ghosh and T. Icard (eds.), Proceedings of LORI 2021, pp. 183--191, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [Abstract]

Funding. This project is a Marie Curie Fellowship (an Horizon-MSCA-2021-PF-01-01 Project 101064835) funded by the European Commission at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU.