Total funding received for the period 2015-2025 (including projects as main and co-applicant, and research and infrastructure funding programs): 6 705 030.4 EUR


Total research funding received as a PI for the period 2020-2025: 843 265.9  EUR

PI and project leader (co-PI, Prof. Sven Askes, Vrije University Amsterdam) 

"Field-Enhanced Photomethanation at Nanoscale Gaps"

Travel grant - funding for a one month research stay in Amsterdam

LaserLab Europe

VID: 46933, PID: 27610

Total budget: ca. 2 500 EUR

PI, co-applicant (project lead: O. Diwald, Uni. Salzburg) - Two PhD positions

“Charge Separation in Graded Metal Oxide Nanocomposites”

Research grant

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Stand alone project P 34906

Total budget: 375 265.99 EUR

PI,  co-applicant (project leader: S. Pokrant, Uni. Salzburg) - 3 short term researcher positions

“Transmission electron microscopy lab for nano-imaging and Analytics of functional solid state and biological materials (BioMat-TEM)”

Purchase, installation and use of an energy filter and EELS spectrometer, and cryo-holder for our cold field-emission high resolution TEM/STEM (Uni. Salzburg)

Scientific research in batteries, plasmonics and biological sciences

Austrian infrastructure call (FFG)

Project 884659

Total budget: 1 947 983 EUR

PI and project leader - Two PhD positions

“Field-Enhanced Photocatalysis at Nanogaps”

Research grant

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Stand alone project P 33159

Total budget: 352 000 EUR


PI and project leader -  One PhD position

"Optimizing Catalyst Loading and Location within Nanostructured Si Photoelectrodes”

PhD fellowship

DOC-funding program from the Austrian Academy of Science

Total budget: 114 000 EUR


PI and co-applicant (project leader: Trieste, IT. Project lead at the Uni. Salzburg: M. Musso)

"Intelligent Characterization of Intelligent Materials (Incima)”

European Regional Development Fund Interreg V-A Italy−Austria 2014−2020 Project ITAT1023 InCIMA

Intrument upgrades and scientifc research at the University of Salzburg, the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg and Elettra (Trieste, Italy)

Total budget: 837 289.21 EUR

Co-applicant (project leader: N. Hüsing, Uni. Salzburg)

“Synthesis, characterization and technological manufacturing approaches for lightweight "n2m" (nano-to-macro)”

A TEM was purchased, and a TEM sample preparation lab was set up in Salzburg  (supervised by G. Bourret and O. Diwald)                            

Project AB29

Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Austria - Germany / Bavaria 

Purchase of large equipment and scientific research at the University of Salzburg (AT)  and the Hochschule Landshut (DE).

Total budget: 3 078 492.20 EUR