Media & Reflections

Fitness Training Reflections

Chase's Reflection 

During fitness training, my favorite exercises were push-ups. Exercises like these will help me stay strong and allow me to complete my everyday tasks more easily and increase my endurance so I won't have to take as many breaks. Getting stronger is something that I am proud of and I think it will help me continue to be more independent!

Quincy's Reflection

Exercises is something that helps me feel strong and happy. I always get put in a better mood after working out. My favorite part of the training was learning all of the different exercises. I would love to teach others with Down syndrome fitness exercises so we can focus on our health and get stronger together!

Colleen's Reflection 

I liked all of the topics we learned during fitness training. A goal of mine after completing this training is to have a class at GiGi's so all of my friends can learn. I would make a good playlist for everyone to listen, enjoy, and dance to!

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