
Giacomo Bruni 贾客暮, alias Fumo 腹墨, was born in Perugia in 1986. 

2009: graduated from the University of Perugia in Modern Literature. 

2013: completed his Master’s degree at the University of Padua in Modern Philology. 

From 2012 to 2013:  was awarded a scholarship in Chinese culture at Guangzhou University. 

2018:  participated in an international art training project at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. 

2019:  graduated from Jinan University in Guangzhou with a PhD in Art Theory and Literature

2024: graduated in Chinese painting at the National Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou. 

He has travelled in parts of Europe, Africa and Asia in order to expand his knowledge of nature and different cultures. He has also exhibited his works in various cities in China and Europe. At the beginning of 2020, he founded Shanshui projects (www.shanshuiprojects.net) with the aim of promoting traditional and contemporary Chinese painting through exhibitions, a trade magazine and workshops.


Giacomo's pictorial practice of mountains and waters (landscape) constantly completes the reciprocal transformation of matter and spirit; his 'mountains and waters' are 'sky and earth', 'time' and 'human'; they are not directly related to the natural environment. His 'mountains and waters' have to do with the two conclusive realms of philosophical thought, that of materiality and that of being: the substance of the world (the thing in itself) and the expression of the form of the world. His pictorial mechanism is not only the process of transforming the environment into image, but also the knowledge derived from the disclosure of all perceptions of mountains and waters through ink and brush.

In periods before the Han dynasty (206 B.C.E. - 220 C.E.), depictions of mountains and water appear in stone and brick engravings. Giacomo began his contemporary exploration of the landscape not only on paper, but also responding to it through written production and rubbing, the origin of his practice and of mountains and waters achieves an internal symmetry, becoming a pictorial case study.

In Giacomo's mountain and water painting, the human element does not necessarily appear, but his mood is always expressive of its essence in transformation. As an old saying goes, 'a painting that generates joy does not reach one that generates melancholy; one that causes surprise is not on the same level as one that causes thought'. Humans protect the natural environment, but they also destroy and abandon it. Giacomo has always expressed a system of 'sociology of the landscape', dealing with the problems of the environment and living space in the social sphere, and 'travelling in the mind' and 'wandering without limits' have become his sociological studies. He removes obscure and clear elements from reality, starting from the real and looking for solutions in the imaginary, the real constantly breaking down and tacitly encountering itself, real and imaginary landscapes enter reality and naturally awaken in his mind-travelling body.

Giacomo's mountains and waters are a kind of 'mental associations of multi-layered scenarios', where he distils the movement intrinsic to the natural environment between the dynamism and stillness of ink and water, between control and randomness, the great difference between the non-visual and the visual is closely linked to the formation of the landscape as physical space, a balance is achieved between the limits of the presence and absence of the brush, and psychological space is reproduced with exceptional tranquillity. He is always free of programmatic constraints and is not a prisoner of nature. It preserves the ineffable elements of the painting of the literati. At a time when people are obsessed with metaphysics, he delves into the investigation of the supernatural, continually developing the latent possibilities of mountains and waters in his language of brush and ink, which thus becomes a 'distant aspiration'.

Giacomo's mountains and waters are himself, they are a type of 'sociology of the journey within the mind', or a 'limitless wandering of the real world'.

Lin Jiangquan 林江泉


26th November 2015, Lecture about photography at the Art & Design College of the Guangzhou University at the first year of the Master’s course (class 620 WenQin building)

8th November 2016, Speech at the Art seminar titled “The spirit of Lingnan” in Zhongshan Museum of Fine Arts.

1st May 2018, “Foreign view of Chinese Art” in Zhongshan, Lijing Art center

9th June 2018, Speech at the Art seminar titled “Calligraphy and painting exhibition of young artists” Guangzhou, Rui Zhe Xuan Art Gallery

13th March 2019, Speech at the Art seminar titled “Famous contemporary landscape painter exhibition”, Guangzhou Yangcheng evening post art research center 27th-29th January 2019, 2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019 (Singapore), Pictographic Character Illustration for a Creative Education (Best Conference Paper Award).

26th -27th November 2019, “The artistic research of Gao Jianfu - International symposium” Guangzhou, Memorial Hall of Lingnan school of painting.

24th September 2021, Sharper night – Sharing Researchers’ Passionfor Engaging Responsiveness. Per un dialogo tra Oriente e Occidente - Accademia delle Belle Arti Pietro Vannucci, Perugia, Italy 

15th - 16th October 2021, The annual meeting of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy (IAEP) - Ecological Culture in Chinese Traditional Mountain and Water Painting - Guangzhou, China

28th October 2021, “Exhibition of Document of Modern transformation research in Guangdong Chinese Painting education from Xiang Yuan to Chunshui Academy“ - 《高奇峰的两个讲演与教育活动》[Two lectures and educational activities by Gao Qifeng] - University City Art Museum, Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China

21st June 2022, "Light Up wirg Art in Greater Bay Area - Modernization Transformation & Dissemination of Guangdong Traditional Chinese Painting nin the 20th Century", 《高奇峰的海外展览及教育思想》[Gao Qifeng's Overseas Exhibitions and Educational Thoughts], Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Museum

11th - 13th Jul 2022, Non-Western Approaches in Environmental Humanities - "Unity between Man and Nature" in Chinese Mountain and Water Painting", University of Warsaw, department of Artes Liberales


2011- Egos Two contemporary art exhibition – London, Roa Gallery of Art

2017- Exhibition for the 151° anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen – Zhongshan,

2019 - Exhibition of the “International training program for talented young artists” - Guangzhou, Academy of Art Gallery

2019 - Solo exhibition – Guangzhou, Ink Village Gallery

2019 – Natural impressions, contemporary art exhibition – Shenzhen, Haichuang Building. 2019 – Youth Sketch art exhibitions – Huangshan, ancient town art center

2019 – To say almost the same, international art student’s exhibition – Hangzhou, Xika art center 2019 – Sayhey auctions – Hangzhou, new cultural space

2020 - Earth – Round Lemon, Zest Hall

2021 - International Virtual Exhibition –Watershed Studio’s

2022 - Sociology of hte Journey within the Mind 《卧游的社会学》(solo),   Peiyi Chinese Youth Club, Perugia

2022 - The trip of Mercury - Shuimu Post Gallery of Modern Art

2022 - Mostra sull'esperienza della cultura della calligrafia cinese - Peiyi Chinese Youth Club Perugia 

2022 - Italia-Cina: Connubio di arte e cultura - Il paesaggio interiore nella pittura cinese  (solo)– Pissignano Alto, Comitato Civico Lizori

2022 - Art China, Fu Hu YingChun - Hu Jiang teachers and students works online exhibition


13th  Nov / 2nd Dec 2022 - Painting Nature with splash-ink, Galleria Tesori d'Arte, Perugia

30th May - 5th June 2022 - Shanshui hua - Chinese Mountain and Water Painting: Techniques & Theories, Accademia di Belle Art di Napoli

18th - 24th Oct 2021 - Chinese Mountain and Water Painting: Techniques & Theories, Nesin Art Village, Şirince, Turkey.



Editor in Chief of Shanshui – Mountain and Water Painting Magazine, ISSN: 2723-9519

Exhibition Catalogues:  

Sociology of the Journey within the Mind, 2022

Watershed Studio's Virtual Exhibition, 2021 

Virtual Exhibition from a group of International artists. Earth, ZEST Hall publication, 2020.  A publication to celebrate the 53 artists taking part in Earth Exhibition. 

《自然印迹-当代艺术展览作品集》[Natural impressions, contemporary art exhibition catalogue], 2019. 

《纪念孙中山先生诞辰 151 周年——岭南山水画名家邀请展暨胡江师生习作展》 [The 151°  anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen - Lingnan Landscape Painting Master Hu Jiang and his Students Exhibition], 2019.

Academic papers: 

Educational Innovations and Applications 2019, ISBN: 978-981-14-2064-1 p.57-60, Pictographic Character Illustration for a creative education 

《世界中国》 – Cina in Italia - May 2016 n.131 中国新闻周刊意大利版《“发现未知的中国”主题摄影 比赛获奖名单》 ("Unknown  China" photography contest winners) 

《教育论坛》 - Education Forum 2014, n.27- ISSN: 2236-1879 《“关山月”——一位传统和现代的艺术家》 [Guan Shanyue and artist between modernity and tradition] - (Best Paper Award)

《教学研究》-Teaching and Research 2014, n.39 - ISSN:0030-1996 《浅析“萨克索•格拉玛提库斯——中世纪文化的一面镜子》 [Analysis of Saxo  Grammaticus - De Historia Danorum, a mirror of the Middle-age]

《科学中国人》– Scientific Chinese February 2015 - ISSN:1005-3573 《浅析“世界三大文化的表达方式》[Calligraphy – the expression of three different cultures]