Introducing Library Resources

Module Objectives

ILO 1: Introducing Library Resources

Upon completion of information literacy instruction, students should be able to:

1a) Explain the function of a library database.

1b) Articulate the attributes of internet search results.

1c) Articulate the attributes of resources located in library databases.

1d) Refine and narrow searches using built-in database limiters.

1e) Identify appropriate library databases for subject-specific research needs.

1f) Search the library catalog in order to locate an appropriate resource.


This module will teach you how and when to use library resources for your course assignments. The discussions in the following sections are broad and draw commonalities amongst many library resources. If you need help using any of the resources mentioned, please reach out to the GHC Library.

Remember that you will often need to search in and utilize a few different library resources for each assignment.


  1. There are 5 sections, one for each element.

    • Review all the content for each section.

    • Complete the self-check to make sure you understand the content before you move on to the next.

  2. At the end of the module, complete the graded Module Quiz.

  3. If required for your course, save or print the Certificate of Completion so you can turn it in.

Click Go to Part 1 below to begin!