Mathematical Biology and Medicine Workshops

Mathematical Biology and Medicine (MBM) concerns the application of mathematical methods to study and understand biological and medical phenomena. The development of mathematical models of various disease processes, that takes into account the interactions between the different components of the complex biological system that underlies the process is one of the main aims of mathematical medicine. Research in mathematical biology leads to the understanding of biological organisms at the cellular level such as networks of genes and proteins interacting through biochemical reactions. The goal of the MBM workshops is to bring together experts and practitioners working in all areas of mathematics, biology and medicine to

  1. Increase our understanding of the onset of diseases and of how they progress both on a cellular scale, human-vector interactions, etc.

  2. mathematically analyze available treatment strategies to identify an optimal strategy towards treatment.

  3. understand how neurons process information, i.e., how the brain coordinates the overall activity of an organism.