Social Innovators in Training Modules

Home > Social Innovators in Training Modules


Students enrolled in Social Innovators in Training work with other like-minded innovators interested in creating social or environmental change through their own projects or ventures.

These modules capture the content that you will work through in your weekly peer group meetings. For further resources, visit the Social Innovation Resources page. 

S23 SIIT Schedule.pdf

Term Schedule

Find the details for the Spring cohort of Social Innovators in Training including start times, location, and topics. Plus important dates to keep in mind for your Social Impact Fund application!

Module Contents

Looking for a weekly slide deck? Find it here: 

Note: Up until the weekly session is delivered, these slide decks may be updated to reflect new information and useful resources. 

1. Entrepreneurial Journey & Goal Setting.pptx

Week 1

Getting Started

2. Talking to Humans .pptx

Week 2

Your Entrepreneurial Journey

3. Building meaningful connections .pptx

Week 3

Building Meaningful Connections

4. Testing with Humans.pptx

Week 4

Testing with Humans

6. Building Your SIF Pitch Deck.pptx

Week 5

The Social Impact Fund

Week 6

Reading Week - no session

7. Building your pitch part 2.pptx


Building Your Pitch Deck

8. Practice your pitch - part 1.pptx

Week 8

Practice Your Pitch - part 1: Content

9. Practice your pitch - part 2

Week 9

Practice Your Pitch - part 2: Delivery and Questions

Week 10 

Social Impact Showcase - no session

11. Finding Funding and Building Partnerships .pptx

Week 11

Finding Funding and Building Relationships / Reflections and Next Steps