
News/Events (Academic Session: 2022-23)

Intel oneAPI Academic Workshop

-22nd June 2023

An introductory seminar was organized to inaugurate the OneAPI Student Community and provide attendees with insights into OneAPI, its architecture, Intel toolkits, and the process of signing up for DevCloud. The seminar commenced with Lavanya, who provided a brief timeline of the event and acknowledged Dev Aryan Khanna as the OneAPI Student Lead from the university. Dev Aryan Khanna then proceeded to felicitate Dr. Arvinder Kaur, Dean USAR, Dr. Rahul Johari, and Dr. Khyati Chopra, Faculty Mentors on stage along with Anjali Yadav, presenting them with bouquets.

Following the felicitation, Dr. Arvinder Kaur delivered an exceptional speech that captivated the audience, providing valuable insights. Dev Aryan Khanna subsequently introduced the establishment of the Intel Student Community for USS and briefly explained OneAPI. Divyansh Nautiyal further elaborated on the architecture of OneAPI, its benefits, and its applications in the current industry. Sarthak Jain then enlightened the students about the Intel Toolkits, while Avinash Kumar Srivastava familiarized the attendees with DevClouds and the sign-in procedure.

To encourage interaction, a quiz based on the conducted event was held, and the top five winners were rewarded with amazing goodies. Throughout the session, attendees actively participated by asking unique questions and seeking clarification for their doubts. The seminar concluded with Dev Aryan Khanna sharing his thoughts on the upcoming plans of the community, leaving the attendees feeling motivated and inspired.

Overall, the seminar provided attendees with invaluable information and inspiration, encouraging active participation and skill enhancement. The session proved to be enlightening and informative, offering a deeper understanding of OneAPI. Dev Aryan Khanna delivered the vote of thanks as the Intel Student Lead, expressing gratitude to all participants and speakers for their valuable contributions. 

Cultural Event (PRAVEGA) of IISC Bangalore in Collaboration with ACM & ACMW 

-10th June 2023

This event brought together a diverse community of students, researchers, and professionals to celebrate the power of creativity, technology, and innovation.

A spotlight on the amazing events that made this carnival an unforgettable experience:

Lasya: Witnessed breathtaking dance performances that filled the stage with grace and elegance. The dancers showcased their extraordinary talent, captivating the audience with their mesmerizing moves.

Crescendo: Immersed ourselves in the enchanting, melodies and harmonious tunes presented during Crescendo. The talented musicians and vocalists transported us to a world of musical brilliance and pure bliss.

Footprints: Experienced the magic of street play, where performers brought impactful stories to life through powerful acting and engaging narratives. This immersive experience inspired us to reflect on social issues and encouraged positive change.

Alekhya: Celebrated an artistic extravaganza where painters, sketch artists, and creators of all kinds showcased their talent and creativity. Alekhya reminded us of the power of visuals and imagination in transforming the world around us.

Battle of bands: Melodies clashed, guitars roared, and the battle of bands ignited the stage with electrifying sounds showing all of their talent and art.

The ACM and ACM W collaboration with IISC Bangalore Carnival truly exemplified the spirit of collaboration and innovation.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the dance society, Ameya, and the dramatics society, Adakari, from GGSIPU, USAR, got shortlisted to perform at IISC Bangalore's culture fest, Pravega. This recognition highlights the talent and skill present in our college's performing arts groups. The collaboration between ACM, ACM-W, and IISC Bangalore truly exemplified the spirit of collaboration and innovation, providing a platform for students, researchers, and professionals to come together and celebrate the incredible power of creativity, technology, and innovation.


GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY East Delhi Campus's, The Heritage club ‘ViaSat’, organized a visit to The Grand Italian Vision, The Farnesina Collection Curated By Achille Bonito Oliva at Bikaner House, New Delhi which was scheduled via multiple time slot, dispersed throughout the dates stretching from 6-6-23 to 9-6-23.

ViaSat's aim for this visit, is to create a memorable and enriching experience for all attendees, by providing them an exclusive chance to, study and rejoice upon the enthralling beauty and creativity of Farnesina Collection i.e. The Grand Italian Vision - The Farnesia Collection, which had an assemblage of 72 masterpieces of modern and contemporary Italian Art. The Collection, beautifully curated by art critic Achille Bonito Oliva, was firstly being exhibited in Japan (Tokyo), then travelled to countries like Singapore, India (New Delhi), and after India it will be travel to South Korea.

The Italian Embassy had organized the exhibition and appointed Dr. Mariachiara Mariani as the guide, to briefly inform the participants about every piece of art. Dr. Mariachiara was wonderful at her job and helped the group understand the artistic beauty of sculpture such as L'etrusco, unique forms of continuity in space, etc. The latter one being extremely significant for Italians and finds place on their 20 Euro Cent Coin. Along with sculptures, and pieces of art (as old as 100 years), visitors also witnessed some beautiful paintings by Indian and Italian artists, out of which one was even inspired by Rigvedic apsara Urvashi.

Workshop on MATLAB: Xploring MATLAB with Mr. Manoj Kumar, Application Engineer at DesignTech

On June 5th, 2023, ACM and ACM W organized a speaker session on MathWorks products and MATLAB by Mr. Manoj Kumar, Senior Application Engineer at DesignTech System Pvt. ltd.


The event began with the introduction of the Speaker by two ACM-W office bearers Vanshika Gupta and Khushbu Rai. It focused on achieving the following objectives: enhancing participants' understanding of MathWorks products, particularly MATLAB; developing problem-solving abilities; and promoting critical thinking. Participants were engaged in practical exercises and step-by-step learning, allowing them to learn new concepts and apply them in a collaborative environment. 

The event attracted over 200 participants, aiming to provide an opportunity for attendees to gain knowledge and enhance problem-solving skills. The event featured informative sessions delivered by experienced speaker Mr. Manoj Kumar from MathWorks, highlighting MATLAB's functionalities, applications, and best practices. Practical exercises were provided to participants, enabling them to solve code examples and reinforce their understanding of MATLAB programming. Participant feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with attendees appreciating the interactive sessions, hands-on exercises, and systematic learning approach. ACM and ACM W plan to conduct similar events in the future, building on the success of the ACM XPLORING MATLAB event. 

The aim is to continually support participants in expanding their knowledge and proficiency in MATLAB and problem-solving skills. In the end vote of thanks was delivered by Khushbu Rai and Vanshika Gupta.

Invited Speaker Session :Career in Civil Service Preparation & Prospect

Shri Bhupesh Chaudhary , IAS, Director of Training and Technical Education for Govt. of NCT of Delhi

-28th April 2023

A talk session was organized by ACM and ACM-Women chapter on the topic of "Civil Services as a Career Option : Preparation And Prospects" with the distinguished guest speaker, Shri Bhupesh Chaudhary , IAS, Director of Training and Technical Education for Govt. of NCT of Delhi. The session aimed to provide attendees with insights into the fascinating world of the Civil Services and to motivate and educate them on how to prepare and prosper in this field. The event began with the addressing the guest and lighting of the lamp by Shri Bhupesh Chaudhary, Prof Arvinder Kaur, Prof Ajay S Singholi, Dr Rahul Johari, Dr Kriti Batra followed by a beautiful Ganesh Vandana Dance performance by Nyasa from USAR.

Introduction of the new established ACM-W chapter for USS given by the Ms Gauranshi Gupta, Chair and Tansika Jha, Vice-Chair of ACM-W. After the felicitation of Shri Bhupesh Chaudhary with Memento by Prof Arvinder Kaur, Dean USAR, he delivered an exhilarating talk that left the audience captivated.

The talk session began with sir sharing his professional experiences and insights on the evolution of Civil Services and how the definition of being an IAS has changed over the years. He also talked about the crucial policy-making decisions and the roles and responsibilities of IAS officers in implementing them. During the session, attendees actively participated by asking amazing questions and clearing their doubts. Shri Bhupesh Chaudhary provided detailed and informative answers to all their queries, making the session a truly interactive and engaging experience.  The talk session was a great opportunity for attendees to acquire invaluable information and inspiration to help them plan their career paths. Shri Bhupesh Chaudhary provided tips and techniques on preparation, including insights on what qualities and skills are required to excel in this field. Overall, the session was enlightening and informative, providing attendees with a deeper understanding of the Civil Services and the preparation required to excel in this field. The talk session ended with attendees feeling motivated and inspired to pursue a successful career in the Civil Services. In the end vote of thanks was delivered by ACM-W Secretary: Ayushi Gupta 

ELYSIAN-23 : Ist Technical-Cultural Festival jointly organized by University School of Automation and Robotics(USAR) and University School of Design and Innovation(USDI).

The program was split into two days . The inaugural session on 27th March 2023 was presided by Director In charge EDC : Prof P C Sharma, Dean USAR and USDI : Prof Arvinder Kaur, Guest of Honour Shri . Harish Nanda, chief Architect and Senior Vice President at Coforge Limited, and Chief guest Shri Parminder Singh Kakria, Head Government Affairs for Wipro Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific and our own Alumni Mr. Shanti Priya Goel, DevOps specialist at Coforge. The inaugural on 27th started with playing of Kulgeet followed by Saraswati Vandana, and address by the delegates. The classical performance by the students of Dance society was incredible and fantabulous. The program was hosted by Dr. Kriti Batra, Dr. Rahul Johari, and student volunteers Miili, Akshat, Harjot and Ananya. ELYSIAN 2023 gave opportunity to students for participation in hackathons , Design-a-thons and many other exciting events. 

27th March HackEDCode was conducted by Software Development Cell (SDC) on 27th and 28th The participating teams had to develop innovative solutions to real world problems in a period of 12 hours split across 2 days. The Robotics club, Karuyantra, held ARDUINO OFF-ROADING event with opportunity to learn more about robotics, the event was a huge success with over 12 participant teams from various colleges. AR/VR workshop conducted by USDI. The speaker Divyansh Sharma talked about to AR/VR, history, present and future prospects, risks, generative AI and metaverse . USS ACM students chapter conducted SQUID GAME which included a series of tasks to eliminate participants in knockout tournament format. Different rounds included cards play, origami, tug of war , and final squid round. 

DESIGNATHON conducted by USDI on 27th and 28th March gave students platform to showcase their designing skills, creativity and innovations. The 3D MODELLING event was aimed at designing different 3 d shapes using Maya, Blender and AutoCAD. AI BLITZ event aimed at creating a storyline using images generated from the DALLE website. 28th March Elysian Day 2 began with a speaker session by Mr. Sandeep Jain founder and CEO GeeksforGeeks followed by Q/A event. The event was a great success, and the speaker shared his insights, experiences and his struggle for success in the industry. HackEDCode continued for the second day and students USS ACM students chapter conducted TREASURE HUNT aimed at finding the locations and their password with the help of code which was given in the QR code. UI/UX event was organised on 28th March The participants were given 150 minutes to design a website with themes of education and healthcare with seamless user experience (UX) and user Interface (UI). 

The Valedictory function was hosted by Mrs. Bindoo Ranjan, USDI and was presided by the chief guest Sh. Rohit Meena, IPS Officer. The first Newsletter of EDC was launched and the winners of different events were awarded with gold, silver and bronze medals, certificates and cash prize. Dr Rahul Johari announced the name of the winners and applauded the work of the Student Council members: SR, CR and Head, Student Committee’s. Dr. Kriti Batra thanked all the students, staff, media, police and all University Authorities in Vote of Thanks 

Start Up Week: 16th Jan-10th Feb 2023

To celebrate the spirit of the Indian start-up ecosystem and mark this momentous day GGSIPU EDC organized expert lectures from 10th-16th January 2023. To begin the start-up week Prof. Amit Prakash, Director of IPU-IIF, delivered the orientation program of  IPU Innovation Foundation on 10th January 2023 and discussed all the preincubation and incubation facilities at IP University and also briefed about different start-ups functional at the University. He also welcomed the students to join the Incubation center and begin their startups. Several other programs were conducted at the Dwarka campus during the start-up week.  

The Orientation Session of the Institutions’ Innovation Council (IIC5.0) for the academic year was also conducted 2022-23 in virtual mode on 11th January 2023 by AICTE and members of IIC cell and students also attended the same. University School of Design and Innovation also conducted expert lectures by Sh. Aditya Prasad, Head Business Design IIM Lucknow Enterprise Incubation Center, and Ms. Archana Thakran, Founder and CEO, Skills Mitra Academy on 13th January 2023. The interaction with Sh. Aditya Prasad was indeed insightful. Sh. Prasad discussed about Entrepreneurship development program, Angel Investor training program, Startup training program, Venture Capital Training program, and also about the successful startups at IIM Lucknow. He also motivated students and faculty to collaborate with IIM Lucknow and embark on their journey to begin their own start-ups. Ms. Archana Thakran, an entrepreneur working in the domain of Open Educational Resources (OER) emphasized the need of bringing dreams into reality through positive thinking and also emphasized the importance of networking and business strategies. The Screening cum reviewing workshop for the existing and forthcoming workshop is scheduled on 16th January 2023. Thanks to the Ministry of Education for enabling the University to be a part of the Innovation Cell, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Padma Shri Prof Dr Mahesh Verma for his exemplary support, and for motivating a culture of Innovation and entrepreneurship at GGSIPU, Director In Charge Prof. P.C. Sharma, Dean, Prof. Arvinder Kaur,  Prof . Mandeep Singh, Dr. Rahul Johari, Prof. Bindoo Ranjan, Prof. Ajay Singh Singholi, Shubhangi Saxena, Deekshali Anand , for their overall support in conducting the program.

E-Summit 2023

It was a pleasure to organize the interaction session with Dr Nikhil Agarwal Aggarwal  CEO - IIT Kanpur (SIIC and AIIDE) & Bestselling Author – (The Startup Masterplan: How to Build your Business from Scratch) under the Institution Innovation council and ACM chapter at GGSIPU EDC on 3rd Jan. This program was a curtain raiser to the E Summit event to be held at IIT Kanpur from 13th -15th January 2023. 

There was lot of enthusiasm shown by the 1st& 2nd year B.Tech students to attend the session. Dr. Nikhil welcomed the students to join the E-Summit program to be held at IIT Kanpur where students will get the opportunity to meet budding entrepreneurs and start-up founders. Dr. Nikhil discussed the paradigm shift that India has undergone over the last two decades on how the inclination of bright students to begin their own start-ups has increased manifolds as compared to their dreams of going to the US. He asked the students of IP university about their willingness to begin start-ups and it was amazing to see the overwhelming response from the students. Dr. Nikhil set the stage with many interesting stories about entrepreneurs like Sh.Mukesh Ambani Chairman and Managing director of Reliance Industries Ltd. , Deepinder Goyal, Founder & CEO, of Zomato, who left Bain in 2008 to start Zomato (then foodiebay) ,  Elon  Musk a business magnate  founder, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX, CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; owner and CEO of Twitter, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; Steven Paul Jobs the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple, Binny Bansal  who co-founded the e-commerce platform Flipkart with Sachin Bansal etc.

His insights about how successful people make ordinary things extraordinary with their smart approach were really valuable. Some of the live examples shared by him were about the making of electric cars by Tesla, Launch of JIO by Sh. Mukesh Ambani etc.  He also emphasized on building a strong team spirit ,focus on problem-solving and keeping the interests of the organization above their individual interests. He also discussed how multi-billionaire and entrepreneurs work 18 hours a day to meet their goals. The students came to know about the eDC IIT Delhi’s Annual Business and Entrepreneurship conclave (BECON 2023) to be held at IIT Delhi from 6th to 8th January 2023 and registered for the same. We hope that with the support from Dr. Rahul Johari and Dr Khyati Chopra Incharge ACM chapter we will be able to organize many more such events and build entrepreneurship ecosystem. Thanks to the Ministry of Education for enabling the University to be a part of the Innovation Cell, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Padma Shri Prof Dr Mahesh Verma for his exemplary support and for motivating a culture of Innovation and entrepreneurship at GGSIPU, Director In Charge Prof. P.C. Sharma, Dean, Prof. Arvinder Kaur for their overall support in conducting the program.

Mulaqaat-DSW Club Orientation & Fresher's Party 2k22

                                                         -12th December 2022

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University East Delhi campus organized the Director Students’ Welfare club orientation and the Freshers party “MULAQAAT” on 9th December 2022 at the open-air Amphitheatre of East campus. High spirits, vibrant ambience, Pulsating music, and Jovial smiles marked the dawn of the GALA event. The event was structured in two sections, DSW cultural clubs orientation and the freshers' party for giving a warm welcome to the freshers and encouraging their creative impulses.

       Dr. Rahul Johari, Nodal officer, DSW welcomed the students and briefed them about the different activities of the cultural clubs. Dean (USAR and USDI) Prof. Arvinder Kaur, Director In Charge Prof. P.C.Sharma and Prof. In Charge Mandeep Singh welcomed the students and emphasized the importance of both academic and co-curricular activities at the University. Prof. Arvinder Kaur guided the students about how they can put their best foot forward in making the four years as the most memorable part of their journey. 

 Prof. P.C.Sharma gave a warm welcome to not only the new student batches but also to the new faculty members who joined USAR and USDI. Students of various clubs were awarded certificates for their previous achievements in the award ceremony jointly by Prof. Arvinder Kaur, Prof. P.C.Sharma, Prof. Mandeep Singh,  Dr. Kriti Batra and Dr. Rahul Johari. The office bearers of the Natures club, Publication club, Science club, Fine Arts club, Photographic club, literary club, Music club, Dramatics club, and Dance club gave introductions about their clubs, future plans, upcoming newsletter and also organized quiz sessions, riddle games, Shayari, mono acting and other fun and frolic activities related to the clubs.


The best part of the event was that students worked in solidarity for the entire event right from designing posters, to stage management, anchoring the event, to campus decoration, and security management. The spectacular performances by the freshers helped in boosting their confidence. The freshers' party indeed played a major role in establishing a bonding between the senior and junior batches and the faculty. The faculty and the students rejoiced in the magnificent dancing, singing, and stand-up comedy performances. One of the major attractions of the event was the scrumptious food stalls and the innovative games stalls hosted by the students themselves, taking their first step towards entrepreneurship.  

 We express our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Manpreet Kang Director, DSW,  Shri Pankaj Aggarwal, Deputy Registrar (GA), and his team for the approvals and the overall support in the conduct of the program. Special Thanks to Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Padma Shri Mahesh Verma Sir for his inspirational and dynamic leadership, and providing  approvals for all our endeavours at East campus. Kudos to the student team Avaneesh Pandey, Akshat Jagya, Himanshu Bansal, Abhishek Garg, Akash Mohan, Ujjwal Barela, Lavanya , Harjot Sigh Jassal, Aryan kumar, Harsh Mittal , Tanishqa Bansal, Aman Gupta, Anurag Singh and all other student volunteers who worked tirelessly day and night under the mentorship of Dr. Rahul Johari for making this event a great success.


-28th November 2022

It was a pleasure to organize the Orientation program for the Institutional Innovation Council (IIC) and IPU Innovation and Incubation Foundation for the GGSIPU EDC on 26th November 2022.  As Innovation Ambassador and Incharge, IIC, (East campus) Dr Kriti Batra apprised the students and the faculty members about the Government of India, Ministry of Education’s (MOE), and AICTE initiative to establish the Innovation Council and Incubation Foundation at GGS Indraprastha University. Various schemes of the Ministry of Education Innovation Cell like YUKTI, KAPILA, NISP, and ARIIA were discussed.  A detailed discussion on how ideas, prototypes, and Business plans/ startups can be submitted through the YUKTI portal was done. Students were highly excited to know about National and International hackathons, National Innovation Challenge (NIC) which can provide solutions to various pressing problems of the Nation. Students were encouraged to develop novel ideas and convert their ideas into startup in various domains like environmental pollution, waste management, robotics and drone development, IoT, cloud computing, drug designing etc. The faculty members and students were also briefed about patent filing through KALAM Program for IP literacy and awareness (KAPILA) and various features of National Innovation and Startup Policy 2019 and how they can use University resources to build their own startups and become successful entrepreneurs while studying at university.

Equal emphasis was also given on how University can achieve higher rankings through the ARIIA (ATAL Ranking of Institutions on Innovations Achievements) platform. Dr. Rahul Johari, member, IIC, apprised the students about the various startups already running in the University and also threw light on his own journey of a new start-up “UDIP Technologies”. The best part of the orientation program was the Mentor-Mentee relationship between the IInd-year students and the Ist year students and how USAR has been successful in inculcating the hand holding culture between the senior and junior batches.

Thanks to Ministry of Education for enabling the University to be a part of the Innovation Cell, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Padma Shri Prof Dr Mahesh Verma for his exemplary support and for motivating a culture of Innovation and entrepreneurship at the University for the holistic development of the students, Director In Charge Prof. P.C. Sharma, Dean, Prof. Arvinder Kaur,  Prof. Ajay Singh Singholi for their overall support in conducting the program. The outcome of the program was quite promising. Several students volunteered to work for the IIC and IIF. They are indeed the future entrepreneurs of USAR.