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Since July 2019 I am an Associate Professor at HEC Paris. 

From Sept. 2017 to June 2019 I had been Senior Economist in the Monetary Policy division at Banque de France and a Research Affiliate at Paris School of Economics.

From Sept. 2016 for one year I had been an Economist in the Monetary Policy Research division at the European Central Bank, on leave from Banque de France.

Since Sept. 2011 I am Research Economist at Banque de France in the monetary policy division. (With tenure since Sept. 2014)

Post-doc experience

In 2009-2010 I was Robert Solow post-doc fellow at Columbia University under the guidance of Michael Woodford. In 2010-2011 I was Max Weber fellow at European University Institute supervised by Ramon Marimon.


After being a visiting Ph.D. student at the University of Cambridge for the academic year 2007-2008, and at the University of St. Andrews for the Fall Term 2008, I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Siena in February 2010.

My dissertation, ‘Behavioural Uncertainty, Expectations and Learning in Macroeconomics’, was examined by Professors Nicola Dimitri (University of Siena), George W. Evans (University of Oregon) and Roger Guesnerie (College de France).

Awards and Fellowships

In 2023 I have been granted an ERC consolidator grant by the European Research Council (European Commission).

In 2021 I received a Research Grant from Fondation Banque de France for my joint project with L. Paciello.

In 2014 I received a Research Grant from Fondation Banque de France for my joint project with R. Marimon.

In 2010 I was awarded the Max Weber post-doc fellowship by the European University Institute. 

In 2009 I received the Best Ph.D. Paper Award from the Society of Computational Economics.

In 2009 I was awarded the Robert Solow post-doc fellowship by the Cournot Centre.