Thursday 6th June 

9:30-10:10     Manuel DEL PINO

Overhanging solitary waves in the Water Wave Problem   [slides here]


In the classical Water Wave Problem, we construct new overhanging solitary waves by a procedure resembling desingularization of the gluing of constant mean curvature surfaces by tiny catenoid necks. The solutions here predicted have long been numerically detected. This is joint work with Juan Davila, Monica Musso, and Miles Wheeler.

10:20-11:00     Kazuhiro ISHIGE   (online talk)

Non-preservation of concavity properties by the Dirichlet heat flow on Riemannian manifolds   [slides here]


We first characterize concavity properties preserved by the Dirichlet heat flow in a convex domain of the Euclidean space. (This is a joint work with Paolo Salani and Asuka Takatsu.) Next, we show that no concavity properties are preserved  by the Dirichlet heat flow in a totally convex domain of a Riemannian manifold unless the sectional curvature vanishes everywhere on the domain. (This is a joint work with Asuka Takatsu and Haruto Tokunaga.) 

11:10-11:40     Coffee break

11:40-12:20     Giuseppe SAVARÉ

Wasserstein Sobolev spaces and Dirichlet forms on the space of probability measures   [slides here]

12:30-13:10     Elvise BERCHIO

Radial solutions to a semilinear equation on Riemannian models   [slides here]

13:20-14:50     Lunch

14:50-15:30     Gilles CARRON   (online)

Hardy inequalities: how and why?   [slides here]


I will explain different approaches to get Hardy inequalities and I will give some applications of such Hardy inequalities.

15:40-16:20     Fabio CIPRIANI

Nonlinear Dirichlet forms: old and new results


We review the theory of nonlinear Dirichlet forms and nonlinear Markovian semigroups as well as the recent development of an associated nonlinear potential theory. Eventually, we emphasize the emergence of functional analytic aspects.

16:30-17:00     Coffee break

17:00-17:40     Panagiota DASKALOPOULOS   (online)

Mean Curvature Flow Singularities   [slides here]

Social dinner at 20:00