

Past Seminars


Admissibility condition associated with exponential function

Adiba Naz, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi

June 21, 2023

Abstract: Admissibility condition is one of the fundamental results formulated by Miller and Mocanu that uses differential subordination. In this talk, we will define the admissibility condition using the exponential mapping. Few sufficient conditions will be discussed under which the analytic function p with p(0)=1 is subordinate to the exponential function. 

Nunokawa’s Lemma and its application 

Nisha Bohra, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi

May 24, 2023

Abstract: The talk will precisely be on the proof of the Nunokawa Lemma and then its applications in obtaining sufficient conditions for the class of strongly starlike functions. 

Stable univalent harmonic functions and their construction 

Ankur Raj, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi

April 26, 2023 and May 10, 2023

Abstract: Convexity and starlikeness are not hereditary properties of harmonic functions. Recently, Hernandez and Martin introduced the notion of stable harmonic mappings, which do inherit these geometric properties. In this talk, we will discuss some important characteristics of these mappings and explore proof ideas for some theorems.

Branch points and branches of inverse functions

Shalu, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 

April 19, 2023

Abstract: Branch points are the points where the various sheets of a multivalued function come together. The branches of the function are the various sheets of the function. In this discussion we will study the notion of branch points and branch functions.