The Gewirtz Fund

Purpose and Goals

The Gewirtz Fund’s mission is to inspire young students to deepen their connection with string music. We fund a variety of initiatives including a special focus on direct support of the unfunded priorities of organized string music programs, mentoring programs, and high-level concert experiences.

The Gewirtz Fund will make discretionary grants to programs and initiatives that will have the greatest impact on non-profit music programs throughout the United States. Grants will be awarded throughout the year based on available funding, requests, and greatest impact.

Grant Eligibility

  • String education must be a key component of any music program requesting funds.

  • Public or charter schools or non-profit/501(c)(3) programs directly funding string education, serving grades 5-12 regardless of their ability to pay are eligible.

  • Schools and programs must already have an existing music program/curriculum in place.

Grants Guidelines

Grants at this time are discretionary and made at the direction of the trustees. Grant requests are not accepted at this time.

  • Grant funds cannot be used for the salary of a music educator; however, stipends for guest instructors or performance fees and expenses associated with admission to qualifying performances are eligible for consideration.

  • Grant funds will not be awarded for reimbursement of expenses or purchases that have already been incurred.

  • The Gewirtz Fund generally does not award charitable grants for operating funds, closing deficits, or debt retirement

  • Grant applications are reviewed by the Gewirtz Fund Trustees on a rolling basis. Applicants will be notified via e-mail.

  • Grants are made by the trustees on a discretionary basis.

Examples of What We Fund

  • Grants are made by the trustees on a discretionary basis and we might fund repair of instruments, restringing of bows, specialized tutoring and other priorities that music teachers have but may not be funded by their school districts. We fund "moments that matter" that improve the connection between youths and string music.

General Information

Grant recipients must submit invoices for direct payment to vendors to ensure that the funds were used as agreed and may be required to report on the results which were obtained. The Gewirtz Fund reserves the right to request the return of the grant funds if they have not been used as agreed. The Gewirtz Fund reserves the right to promote a collaborative partnership with a grant recipient for promotional purposes.

Previous Grant Recipients


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