Safari vs. Chrome on Mac

Between Safari and Chrome on Mac, it is very clear that Safari is the winner. In the early days, Chrome was famous for being lightweight and fast, but it is not true anymore. Safari beats Chrome on the Mac because of more energy-efficient and better at protecting privacy, and the best part is that it seamlessly works with the Apple ecosystem and Safari Keeps Crashing on Mac is an absolute lie. Here are some reasons which tell you why Safari is better than Chrome.

Chrome Drains More Power

If you wish to see it, click on the battery icon in the menu bar and check which apps are using a significant amount of energy. For example, Chrome drains the battery on laptops. And this problem is especially prominent when you compare Chrome to Safari. Google has been working on this issue, but you’ll get better Mac performance using Safari.

Chrome works in its Way.

Many of Chrome’s features have their roots, leading to a less than ideal experience on a Mac. In addition, Chrome is slower to catch up with new Mac features than Safari.

Chrome Extensions Come With a Price

Chrome is a winner when it comes to extensions. But extensions can introduce privacy problems. But there aren’t as many extensions to choose from with Safari.

Google Is Watching You

Google and Apple’s interests seem like they overlap, but they are structured very differently. For example, Google’s revenue is primarily ad-based, and Google only makes money if it can acquire information.

Safari Is Good

The recent versions of Safari are faster and sleeker than Chrome. The extension ecosystem has come a long way. It would be best if you tried some essential Safari tips and tricks.


User interface

Both Safari and Chrome are easy to use. Safari naturally integrates better and can offer unique UI tweaks. It’s also more minimal. On the other hand, Google Chrome is designed to be the center of ChromeOS and handle more general tasks. It works best with lots of tabs open. You can quickly change between your work and home profiles.

Speed and performance

Apple is integrating Safari deeper with the system, making it speedier and more resource-efficient. Chrome is notorious for RAM consumption. Chrome consumes many times the amount of RAM Safari does. In addition, Chrome has its task manager, which can be used to monitor and end taxing processes.

The Chrome versus Safari debate includes two heavyweights, and there are other options to consider as well. Of course, if you dislike both and face problems like Chrome keeps crashing, you can always look at the best alternative browsers for Mac users.