Download Best Picture Viewer


The beauty of the compare feature of FastStone is that it synchronizes the zoom and panning to all the pictures being viewed, so you can zoom in on the same spot in several similar images to pick the best one.

Have you ever tried taking pictures of the moon? If you have, now's your chance to show us your incredible skills! If you haven't, now's the time to get ready to make some great memories! Moon photography might seem easy because the moon is something we can go outside...

What's the best camera for travel? Good travel cameras should be small, versatile, and offer good image quality. In this buying guide we've rounded-up several great cameras for travel and recommended the best.

Above $2500 cameras tend to become increasingly specialized, making it difficult to select a 'best' option. We case our eye over the options costing more than $2500 but less than $4000, to find the best all-rounder.

Cannot agree more with Akar on this issue. FSIV is fast (fast enough for me) and provides excellent basic editing. In many cases it's all I use. However if I want to really do my best work, it's very easy to select a specific photo in FSIV, right click, open in external editor ( say Canon's DPP4 or RAW Therapee, on & on) and do the things I can't do in FS... I've also collected a lot of free preset software over the past couple of years and very easy to access through FS. I'm a photo hobbyist, not a professional... so my work flow is obviously not for everyone... but it works!! HAGD

FastStone is free so I suggest you evaluate it before spending money on any other program. If you only shoot JPGs then it is probably the best free image viewer and editor for Windows. If you decide to stay with it I suggest you make a contribution to the authors to show your appreciation.

Edit: Having tried the below I am back with the standard Windows 10 viewer, it is modern, simple to use and has a few handy tools. The others are all too fully featured, not as well laid out and always lack one or more features I would like. Most are too old fashioned too with tiny click areas. I will stick with Windows Photos and Polarr when I need to edit one for now.

Photoscape- ruins image quality and not user friendly e.g. when an image is open in viewer when you click Edit it doesn't automatically appear there. Northrup needs a telling off for recommending this.

Five get you ten that you have never once used Iview, and even money that you have only tried one or two alternatives to windows viewer.

Windows viewer relates to Irfanview like a mule relates to a Lexus; they are both means to the same end, but that is where it stops.

Besides windows picture viewer, when I had windows, my default viewer was the one that comes with XaraX. I also had photoshop in my pc, but I rarely used it since I prefer to design is vector format rather than rastor. As for the XARAX viewer, it did a great job of allowing me to resize photos either up or down (as long as they were uploaded in a decent DPI).

And then again even in the regular viewer mode, if you keep pressing space key it will go through your image sequence repetitively without stopping at the end of the folder - which also helps with our thing. Infran does stop on the last image file in a folder last time I tried it.

The question is why you need a specific picture viewer? Because mostly, there is a standard picturer viewer installed on the pc already, together with the operating system.

What do you want a picture viewer to do? What functionality does you need to have?

Well, you may say that XPDF's GUI is ugly, but it's the best pdf viewer I've ever seen. I have tested several pdf viewer using a big pdf file with a very complicated photo. Acrobat Reader uses up 100M of RAM. epdfviewer uses 40M of RAM and 40s to render that page, and reduces to around 20M RAM after the rendering is done. xpdf in total only uses 4M of RAM and around 10s to render the same page with even better quality than epdfviewer. Besides, xpdf has a nice 'continuous' view feature which epdfviewer doesn't (of course acrobat reader has, but you know why we shouldn't use that program, right?). All the testing are done in an old laptop, Celeron 466, 128M ram, running XFCE 4.4. I really love X programs. They are so optimized.

i installed acrobat just to test (40MB?!?!) and it worked fine with the same document. not that i recommend using acrobat, it's a monster hog. as ugly as the old style gtk is, xpdf seems to be the best so far. haven't tried edpfview yet, will check it out tomorrow. if it's fast and doesn't dog out like evince and has good features, it might be a good solution. linux needs a good, full featured pdf viewer like acrobat, but without the bloat.

Nothing special, I just want to double click a picture and be able to scroll through photos without the hassle of going back to explorer and finding the next picture. I've read about some kind of KODAK program that comes with 98, and I found some program called Imaging, but it does next to nothing, and getting it to associate with photo formats will be a long, manual process. I also did a search of the 9x and special project sections of this forum, with no luck.

Microsoft also brought the new Photos app to Windows 10 that now does the job of handling all your pictures and videos, and some video editing on the side. So, in this list, we have compiled some of the best Windows 10 photo viewer apps for your machine. Some of the apps mentioned in the list also work on older versions as well.

IrfanView is a popular photo viewer app, named after its creator. The app has been around for quite a while and works well on Windows 10. Being lightweight, it can easily help you view and manage all the photos on your system. The app also offers basic tools to help you sort your images.

I am looking for an image viewer application that would have the feature of displaying random images from a chosen directory and its subdirectories, with the ability to see the full path of the image without too much hassle.

Not really, like I said, I want the image viewer to show me random images from one directory (and its subdirectories), so that I could see if I can identify them correctly or not. And in order to check whether I was correct or not, I need to be able to see the path of the image that is being shown on screen.

Feh is considered one of the best Image viewers for Linux. It is really powerful and easy to use. It is commandline-driven and supports multiple images through slideshow, thumbnail browsing or multiple windows, and montages or index prints. In addition to that it offers

Image viewing in fullscreen.

Image list mode

Recursive file opening

Sorting of the filelist

Loading images via http

Reloading after delay and more

Hey guys,

I owned the Fairphone 1. To finance the Fairphone 2 I sold my first edition and ordered the FP2. In the meantime I borrowed a iPhone from a friend. I really liked the picture viewer app where all pictures are in a row and without different folders for every app etc. Is there an iOS-like app for android available? any suggestions?

A simple image viewer available on almost any platform that supports the mobile operating systems Android and iOS, or any device suitable for web use, means it can be used by both mobile and desktop devices. Intelligent search options powered by artificial intelligence make it simple to search for events, landmarks, animals, or people without the requirement to keyword images during or even after import. Google Photos has a good suite of image editing tools to change brightness levels, color, and apply presets for quick editing. The app is also intrinsically linked to printing services for fast prints and photobooks delivered to your door.

Powered by artificial intelligence machine learning technology this image viewer uses face-recognition tech to automatically analyze and tag photos of people. Fast searching and simple sharing options make it quick and easy to share with friends and family.

This free image viewer for PC comes directly from Microsoft and offers viewing for both photos and videos. Make edit adjustments, compare, or create albums to organize images and video, or even make movies from stills.

A nice and simple user interface makes this Windows photo viewer a suitable program for beginners. It has basic viewing functions and a minimalist layout for simple navigation. Over 70 image formats are supported for viewing, including professional types such as HEIC and RAW file formats. The new language packs and viewer themes make it fun and customizable. 5376163bf9

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