I received the Best Poster Award at the CSFM Symposium held at ETH Zurich. 

I was invited to give a mentoring seminar for women in STEM

I have been invited to attend the 2022 Rising Stars in EECS workshop being hosted by the University of Texas, Austin, USA.

I have received the prestigious D. W. Ambridge McGill Convocation Prize for 2022 among all McGill graduates. 

Thank you McGill!

I officially start as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Power Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland working with Prof. Gabriela Hug.

I have been selected as one of the 25 Green Talents for 2021 hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (25 awardees out of 467 applicants). 

I have successfully defended my PhD thesis! More details about my work on voltage stability under uncertainty can be found here.