Antarctic Futures

Antarctic Futures is an exhibition, seminar series and set of early learning workshops that considers the nature and future of the Antarctic continent. Proudly presented by the UOW Gallery and Art Collection, in partnership with Inspiring Australia and the University of Wollongong Early Start Discovery Space, Centre for Sustainable Ecosystem Solutions and Global Challenges programs.

We aim to equip citizen scientists with knowledge about how Antarctica is being affected by climate change but also the role Antarctica plays in determining the global climate. We're doing this by showing Antarctica through the lens of both artists and scientists who have visited the continent, allowing the audience to connect with a place that not many people get the chance to visit. We've been working closely with the team at Early Start Discovery Space to introduce the concept of Antarctica to littlies and get their artistic contributions to the gallery as well, which I think is very poignant, as the Antarctica that we adults grew up knowing may not be the Antarctica that our future generations know.

My interview with SAEF

Securing Antarctcia's Environmental Future senior communications advisor Anna interviewed me for a story on the Antarctic Futures exhibition. This gave me the opportunity to gush about fellow 75th ANARE member Janet Laurence and her artworks created in the science labs at Casey station during the Summer of '22.

When we were organising this exhibition we spent a lot of time making sure Antarctica was accessible to children as well as adults

Read the interview here:

Kids contributions

Children have the opportunity to contribute to the Antarctic Futures exhibition through "creARTivity" workshops at the UOW Early Start Discovery Space.

The early learning educators have put together a suite of activities to correspond with the launch of the exhibition, including interactive readings about whales, a play called 'we're going on a waterbear hunt' and 'draw what you hear' activities.

Climate change is an intergenerational issue, as the Antarctica that we adults grew up with may not be the Antarctica that our children will know in the future.

For more information about what's on at Early Start:

The UOW Antarctic Futures exhibition, seminar series and childrens workshops are supported by: