Additional Credit Information

Time and credit experiences will depend upon project and student curricular guidelines/requirements.  In the spring semester in addition to 3-9 internship credits of POLI or SUST 495/498, all interns are also required to register for POLI 491Q or SUST 310 as part of this experience, making this a 6-12 credit experience.  

Summer interns are required to register for POLI 491Q / SUST 495/ SUST 310 (cross listed) and will meet weekly with a CCU professor.  Summer interns are only required to register for 3 credits, but may register for up to 12 credits, if desired.

These courses will examine the UN Sustainable Development Goals in relation to Georgetown County and the UN Youth Corps experience.  Students will develop leadership and sustainability communication skills, as well as plan educational events in the community that relate their internship work and the county’s achievements in sustainable development.  The class will be taught in the Georgetown Campus Building, TBA.