Research proposal evaluator

2020 - Present: EPSRC Associate College Member, UK

2020: FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) Evaluator and "Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering" Panel Member, Portugal

2019: IPODI PostDoc Fellowship Program Tu Berlin, Germany

2018 - Present: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK

Editorial and Conference Activities

2018 - present: Associate Editor of the IEEE Networking Letters

2019: TPC (Technical Programme Committee) member - CLEO Pacific Rim conference

2011-12,15,19: TPC member - Globecom ONS conference

2015-18: TPC member - ICC conference

2015: Guest Editor at IEEE JOCN call "Photonic Network and Devices"

2016: TPC N3 sub-committee chair - OFC conference

2013-15, 2019-present: TPC member (N3 and N2)- OFC (Optical Fibre Communications) conference

2016: TPC member - Reconfig conference

2016: TPC Program Chair - OSA Photonic Devices and Networks

2016: TPC member OPTICS

2015: TPC Poster/Demo member ACM SIGGCOM

2013-16: Asia Communications and Photonics (ACP)

Session and panel chair at numerous conferences and workshops