Coded Data Loggers

By: Willam Wambo and Giovani Justo


My name is William Wambo and this coming school year I will be a senior at Evanston Township High School. I am also a mentee in the Geopaths program.

Hello, my name is Giovani Justo I am a rising senior at Round Lake High School and a mentee here at the Geopaths program

Mission Statement

Our science project consists of assembling a datalogger and uploading code from the Arduino software to it in order to have it function in a particular way. From that point forward we are tasked with creating our own project, in this case we decided to use multiple sensors and devise numerous questions that we can present our findings on. This program and project in hindsight has made us more knowledgeable on the climate change and global warming. As my partner and I are now, we can use these data loggers and the website we created to further expand awareness in our households, school, and even upon our communities. We credit Dr. Suzan Van Der Lee and Dr. Tracy C. Davis along with all the other mentors of the Geopaths program at Northwestern University for allowing us to take part in this.