Research projects


The project aims to develop knowledge in geometric mechanics, both from the theoretical point of view as well as that of applications to relevant physical and mathematical problems. Mainly the studies focus in topics of reduction by symmetry in field theory and discrete formalism to develop geometric integrators, that is, numerical methods that respect the geometric structures. 

This project is centered around the following three research lines: (1) Geometric reduction in field theory, (2) Design and implementation of numerical integrators in optimal control problems and field theory, and (3) Applications of neural networks to mechanical problems with symmetry, constraints and controls.


The group has active members of the Geometry, Dynamics and Field Theorythematic Network, supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain. 

The organization of this network is based in on-going collaborations that have already been materialized in publications and joint activities between the different groups being part of this network.  

The members of this Thematic Network project center their work around these axis: Geometry, Mechanics and Control, all clearly interconnected. 


The group has strong collaborative ties with researchers from Centro de Matemática de La Plata (Argentina), Instituto Balseiro (Argentina), Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (Spain), Universidad de La Laguna (Spain), and University of Antwerp (Belgium).


The members of the group have participated in several projects with researchers from other institutions such as: