Geometric Mechanics at UNS

"Mechanics is the paradise of the mathematical sciences, because by means of it one comes to the fruits of mathematics."  --- Leonardo da Vinci

Research areas

The interest in the geometrical focus in mechanics has grown in the last decades. The framework provided by differential geometry gives us useful tools for the study of systems in mechanics and field theory, where concepts such as symplectic manifolds, jet bundles, groups and groupoids becomes essential. Conversely, mathematical physics remains as a source of constructions and theoretical results. Our research is guided by these facts.

More specifically, this group works in developing knowledge in basic sciences regarding geometric mechanics, both from the theoretical point of view as well as from the applications to relevant physical and mathematical problems, mainly in two branches: theory reduction by symmetry in the symplectic case and in the Lagrangian case in field theory. Also discrete formalism is been studied by developing geometric integrators, that is, numerical methods that respect geometric structures. In both the discrete and continuous fields, the group studies different cases of systems reduced by a symmetry group.

A new line of research for the group studies the use of neural networks to deal with mechanical systems with holonomic and nonholonomic constraints, and with different examples of interest in mechanics.

 Topics of interest

Reduction theory in mechanics and classical field theory

Development of variational integrators

Applications to examples 

of interest


Presentation of research lines 

(In Spanish)
