PO Box Vs Street Address by Name

In some cases, you may need both a PO Box and a street address for your business. While street addresses are easier to register, they come with legal ramifications. A PO Box is similar to a street address but is provided by the United States Postal Service. Typically, businesses should have one for business mail and a separate address for registered mail. Both options are useful for different purposes.

The main difference between a PO Box and a street address is the format of the address. A street address is more likely to be recognizable than a PO Box. For example, if you live in El Centro, California, your street address would be 1598 Main Street, while your P.O. Box would be located at 1598 Main Street, Unit 9975. A street address will include your name and the city you live in, while a P.O. Box will not include a city or town.

Another difference between a PO Box and a street address is the way the postal service delivers mail. USPS mail can be directed to either a PO Box or a street address. However, some retailers will not ship to PO Box addresses, so it is important to know what your address is for a physical address. By swapping the lines in your address, you can ensure your mail arrives where it is supposed to be.

When mailing a letter or a package, you need to be sure to include the name of the recipient as well as their street address if you have a PO Box. If you have an address for a business, you should include the name of the business. You can also include the city, state, and zip code. You can even use a PO Box if you want to send something to an office or business address.