Additional Resources

Want to learn more about gentrification and East Austin? These resources are available to further your learning.

Austin-American Statesman: Inheriting Inequality

Discriminatory local and federal housing policies, like redlining and restrictive covenants, generated racially segregated housing patterns and substandard living conditions that marginalized communities in Austin. Consequently, these neighborhoods have now become more vulnerable to gentrification, learn more about historic inequality in Austin by clicking the following link:

CBS Austin: Civil rights activists band together to demand stop to gentrification in East Austin

Communities across Austin are working together to resist gentrification. Read more about local anti-gentrification efforts by clicking the following link:

Culture Map Austin: New cafe called Lou's Bodega is opening old wounds in East Austin

Gentrification can raise concerns about cultural appropriation. You can read more about one site that caused controversy by clinking the following link:

PBS: What I Hear When You Say Gentrification

You can investigate how people make sense of the difficulties, benefits, and impact of gentrification by clicking the following link to watch a PBS video: What I Hear When You Say Gentrification.

Texas Monthly: East Austin Before the Boom

Are you curious about what East Austin looked like before gentrification? Click the following link to see pictures of the East Austin community by Austin photographer, John Langmore:

The Uprooted Project

You can learn more about which communities in Austin are vulnerable to displacement in gentrifying neighborhoods by clicking the following link and reading about The Uprooted Project: