I trust these actions will help you feel comfortable and I promise to keep you updated as the situation evolves.

I strictly adhere to the protective measures recommended by global government agencies, the Scottish Government Guidelines and our health bodies. Measures include hand hygiene, wearing masks if required and social estrangement.

Hand sanitizer will be available in key locations.

There are clear instructions on reporting any COVID-19 cases to managers and external authorities, as required.

During the massages I wear a mask and customers can choose whether to request to wear medical gloves.

After and before each client, I clean and disinfect the therapy room with products that use only more than 70% alcohol to kill all germs and viruses. This applies to all public spaces with particular attention to frequent cleaning on all contact surfaces.

My cleaning products and protocols meet country specific guidelines for approved effective use against viruses and bacteria. When cleaning the therapy room, I pay particular attention to high-touch items. All therapeutic beds are disinfected after use and the linen is changed regularly and washed at high temperature.

When a customer needs to be covered or kept warm during the treatment, towels that have had a specific washing process will be used to make sure that all the linen is thermally disinfected.

Punctuality is of fundamental importance for the respect of all. Please bring the mask with you.