The second workshop is scheduled for May 31 at the Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne room 117 (1st floor) (in collaboration with CY Cergy Paris University), and it will center on the subject of Gender Gaps and Cities.

The program is available here.  



              • 9:30-10:00 am: Welcome and Coffee

              • 10:00-11:00 am: "Moving to Opportunity, Together" by Elin Sundberg (Uppsala University),

                 joint work with Seema Jayachandran (Princeton University), Lea Nassal (University of Duisby-Essen),

                 Matthew Notowidigdo (Chicago Booth School of Business), Marie Paul (University of Duisby-Essen)

                 and Hearther Sarsons (University of British Columbia)

                 Discussant: Thomas Breda (Paris School of Economics)

              • 11:00-12:00 am: “Segregation and Sorting of U.S. Households: Who Marries Whom and Where?”

                 by Davide Alonzo (University of Montréal), joint work with Nezih Guner (CEMFI) and Claudio Luccioletti (CEMFI)

                 Discussant: Marion Goussé (CREST-ENSAI)

              • 12:00-13:30 pm: Lunch

              13:30-14:30 pm: “Parenthood and the Gender Gap in Commuting”, by Aline Bütikofer (Norwegian School

                of Economics), joint work with René Karadakic (Harvard University) and Alexander Willén (Norwegian

                School of Economics)

                Discussant: Sarah Fleche (CES-University Paris 1)

              • 14:30-15:30 pm: “Mums and the City: Household Labor Supply and Location Choice”, by Ana Moreno-

                 Maldonado (University of Mannheim)

                 Discussant: Mariona Segú (CY Cergy Paris University)


Registration to the workshop is free but mandatory.

Please make sure to register using this link before May 14.