WEBINARS 2020-2021

July 7, 2021

Sayli Javadekar​ (University of Bath)

"The Seen and the Unseen: Impact of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Prenatal Sex Selection," with K. Saxena​​


Passcode: Cn?80JvC ​​

June 23, 2021

Yuki Takahashi (University of Bologna)

​"Corrections and Partner Selections in Group Work"


Passcode: mkia53#S ​​

June 9, 2021

Marta Morazzoni (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

​"Endogenous Marriage and Joint-Search in the Labor Markets," with D. Smirnov​


Passcode: ​G4YG2d?S


May 26, 2021

Lorena Hakak (University of São Paulo)

​"Marriage in the time of HIV/Aids epidemic," with P. Pereda


Passcode: KAEV7?ff​

May 12, 2021

José De Sousa (Université Paris-Saclay)

​"Trickle-Down Effects of Affirmative Action: A Case Study in France," with M. Niederle​


Passcode: ​m^5PfzPu

April 28, 2021

Giacomo Pasini (Cà Foscari University of Venice)

​"Stress, happiness and maternity leave at childbirth" with M. Avendano, L. Berkman, A. Brugiavini


Passcode: 5sJt?&tS

April 14, 2021

Giulio Zanella (Università di Bologna)

"Improving job search skills: A field experiment on online employment assistance​​​" with Guglielmo Briscese and Veronica Quinn


Passcode: f3?Xs0X.


March 31, 2021​

Valentina Tonei (University of Southampton)

"Does information about their child's academic skills make parents' beliefs more accurate?" with C. Nicoletti and A. Sevilla


Passcode: +8*GpLy4

March 17, 2021

Nadia Campaniello (Università di Torino, IZA)

​"Parental Love is Not Blind: Identifying Selection into Early School Start" with A. Aparicio Fenoll and I. Monzon​​​​


Passcode​: mfJ1?2@&

March 3, 2021​

Miriam Wüst (University of Copenhagen)

"Beyond Treatment Exposure — The Timing of Early Interventions on Child and Maternal Health " with Jonas Hirani and Hans Henrik Sievertsen.


Passcode: w.%L86$%

February 17, 2021

Veronica Toffolutti (Imperial College London)

"Chinese Aid to Africa: A Curse or a Blessing? Evidence on Female Empowerment from 22 Sub-Saharan African Countries"​​​​​​​​ with A. Aassve, M. Le Moglie and E. Paglino.


Passcode: umnu!63h


February 3, 2021

Majlinda Joxhe (STATEC-Luxembourg)

"The Effects of Twin Testosterone Transfer (TTT) on Females’ Schooling and Earnings: Evidence from Longitudinal Data"​


Passcode: 2=Ajr?I!


January 20, 2021

Sonia R. Bhalotra (University of Essex)

"Job Displacement, Unemployment Benefits and Domestic Violence", joint with Diogo Britto, Paolo Pinotti, Breno Sampaio


Passcode: 4^P1mHJ9

January 6, 2021

Helene Le Forner (Aix-Marseille Université)

"Formation of Children's Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Skills: Are All Parental Times Equal?"​​​​​​​


Passcode: ^Lg!!t2S

December 9, 2020

Ylenia Brilli (Cà Foscari University of Venice)

"Culture of origin and parenting" with Simone Moriconi (IESEG School of Management)


​Passcode: &kfbK0YH ​​​

November 25, 2020

Minchul Yum (University of Mannheim)

"Status Externalities and Low Birth Rates in Korea," with S. Kim and M. Tertilt


Passcode: ut$b$P$7

November 11, 2020

​​​Xiaoyue Shan (University of Zurich)

"Does Minority Status Drive Women Out Of Male-Dominated Fields?"​​​​​


Passcode: K8ps+4z&

October 28, 2020

​​​Sébastien Fontenay (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

"The Unintended Consequences of Maternity Leave Allowance on Fertility and Career Decisions"​​​


October 14, 2020

​​​​Efi Adamopoulou (University of Mannheim - IZA)

"Eating Habits: The Role of Early Life Experiences and Intergenerational Transmission," with Elisabetta Olivieri (Bank of Italy) and Eleftheria Triviza (University of Mannheim)


Passcode: aA$T3E2^


September 30​, 2020

Fabio Blasutto (UC Louvain)

​"The Rise of Cohabitation and Unilateral Divorce" with Egor Kozlov.​​



September 16, 2020

Selma Walther (University of Sussex)

"Male Fertility: Facts, Distribution and Drivers of Inequality"

with Andreas Kotsadam and Bernt Bratsberg (Frisch Centre, University of Oslo).


July 15, 2020

Anastasia Litina (University of Ioannina)

"Diversity on the Screen", with Skerdi Zanaj and Manthos Delis.​​​​​​​​​​​


July 1, 2020

Bastien Chabe-Ferret (LISER, IZA)

"Economic Uncertainty and Fertility Cycles: Baby Boom and Busts in 20th Century America", with Paula Gobbi.​​​​​​​​​​​


June 17, 2020

Daniela Piazzalunga (FBK-IRVAPP)

"Tackling the gender gap in math with active learning teaching practices", with Di Tommaso, Contini, De Rosa, Bernardi.