
This is the emptiness. We feel as though it will never pass. It’s important to understand that this deep, deep sadness is not a sign of illness. It is the heart broken response to a great loss. We want to withdraw from our friends, our work, even our families. We have no energy. None. We wonder, perhaps, if there is any point in going on? Why go on at all?

This bone deep sadness is a normal and understandable response to losing someone we love. When the loss fully settles in our soul, we are truly bereft. Grieving is a painful process; but it has a job to do, and this is to move us towards healing. This overwhelming sorrow is one of the necessary steps along the way. We may feel we are not able to pray, to speak this, either to God or to another human being.


This is my prayer –

That, though I cannot see you, Lord

That I may be aware

Of the silent God who stands by me;

That, though I cannot feel,

I may be aware

Of the mighty love who doggedly follows me;

That though I cannot respond,

I may be aware that you, God-

My silent, mighty God waits each day,

Quietly, hopefully, patiently, persistently…

Waits each day and through each night

For me, for me ….