The Examen - A Daily Prayer

We suggest this prayer is done at the end of every day, but some people find the first thing in the morning is more helpful.

St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen is an opportunity for peaceful daily reflective prayer. It invites us to find the movement of God in all the people and events of our day. The Examen is simply a set of introspective prompts for you to follow or adapt to your own character and spirit.

The Examen: The Ignatian Review of the Day

The Examen is a good prayer for busy people - it takes only ten minutes at some point in the day – bedtime, before breakfast, at lunch. It is perhaps the most important ten minutes in the whole of the day! It is asking God to show us moments of the day that God invites us to pay attention to.

A Step-by-Step Simple Examen

• Take a few moments to recognise that you are here with the Lord, to have a few minutes quiet time together.

• Feel the warmth of God’s love as God looks upon you. Bask in that experience. God is inviting you at this moment into an ever deeper relationship of love.

• With this loving God, bring your day to mind.

• What in this day am I thankful for? What are the moments that come to mind that have been received as a gift, that lead me to say “Thank you” to God.

• What in this day might I be sorry for? What are the moments of selfishness and unkindness and any other times when I did not manage to be Jesus’ hands, feet, eyes, his love, his compassion for the people around me. I say “sorry” to God.

And finally, please help me to be more attentive to you tomorrow.

Amen. Our Father…

A Shorter Examen

For those with very hectic schedules, there is short version of the Examen that could fit in your busy day. This Examen consist of three steps:

Thank you for all that the day has been and for all God’s gifts.

Sorry call to mind one or two moments of selfishness and acting without love for others.

Please These are some of the people and events that I want to pray for. This is what I ask for as I look towards tomorrow. 

Further Resources

Workshop on the Examen -YouTube.

Printable sheet on the Examen

Workshop on the Examen - sound only

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