Keeping a Journal

Keeping a Journal

Your prayer journal is for your eyes only, it can become a rich treasure reminding you of how God has been meeting you and leading you.

You can write or draw in your journal in any way that you find comfortable and helpful.

The following questions may be useful to you when you are looking back on your prayer-

What were the significant feelings, reactions, intuitions, desires, emotions, thoughts, or insights?

What was the prevailing mood of your prayer: peace, agitation, excitement, boredom, confusion, calm?

What word, phrase, image, or memory meant most to you during prayer?

Is there some unfinished business that you think God is calling you to return to during another time of prayer?

Is there something happening in your life that is becoming part of your prayer? Do you feel moved to do something concrete in your life?

Are you making the necessary preparations for your prayer? Is there anything you are doing or not doing that is getting in the way of listening to God?

Journaling is not about recording every thought; it is rather a way of going deeper and gathering all the graces you are being given. There is no right and wrong. It is YOUR space.

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