..but those who HOPE in the LORD will renew their STRENGTH. They will SOAR on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

(Isaiah 40:31)

Start: 22 November 2024 at 18.30 CET
Ends: 24 November 2024 at 16:00 CET 

Face to Face

Venue: Franciscans, Rue Antoine de Quartéry 1 , 1890 Saint-Maurice 

Car Pooling will be possible

More details: Visit our Retreats page.

Please complete the application form  to express your interest 

For past programs please see our Completed Programs page


"May it be an intense year of prayer in which hearts are opened to receive the outpouring of God’s grace."  - Pope Francis

READ MORE ON THE "Walking together in Prayer" page.



As a small community of believers we meet daily to pray together and deepen our understanding of Ignatian spirituality.  We use the book "An Ignatian book of days" to start us off and lead us into a short time of prayer and community.  

You can join the group, when it is possible for you to do so.  It is  as  a very uplifting and  positive way to start the day.

Starts when you sign up

When:  Mondays to Fridays

Time:     At 08:30 to 08:50 CET

Venue:   On line

Please complete the application form to receive the call-in details.


Do you want to speak to someone to explore further your relationship with God or delve a bit further into your beliefs?

One of our Spiritual Accompaniers would be happy to meet with you either face to face or online to discuss this with you. The number of sessions will be agreed upon between yourself and your accompanier.

If you want to know more or discuss this further, please complete the registration form.

When:   When you sign up

Time:      Mutually agreed times

Venue:   On line and/or face to face

Please complete the application form to express your interest.


In an Ignatian context it is much more than overseeing the work of another. It is a contemplative experience, an opportunity to expand the Godward gaze of supervisors and supervisees and to deepen the experience of accompaniment. 


When:  Once a month or when needed. 

Time:   To be decided

Venue:  Online

Visit our Courses page for more details.

Please complete the application form to express your interest. 


Lent starts on 14 February 2024 with Ash Wednesday, and we can join Pope Francis on his journey.  May this be the start of walking together in Prayer.

The electronic version of our Lenten journey book with the daily material can be accessed here.

The web version which includes all the of the material of the book in addition to an applicable hymn or song can be accessed here :  Online Lent prayer .  (Will be updated at midnight for the current days reflection material)

If you want to join a group  you can sign up here : Join the Weekly Online Groups for prayers.



You are invited to experience a weekend of different ways of praying as a journey of finding God in all things.

Join us for a Symphony of Prayer Weekend

Friday, 15 March 2024

Starts at 11h45 and ends 19h00.

Saturday,16 March 2024

Starts at 09h30 and ends 16h15

Sunday, 17 March 2024

Starts at 08h30 and ends at 14h30

Individual day programmes and for more details visit our Preparation for Easter page.

Please complete the registration form for Friday Rosary and Saturday sessions  (to help with planning and catering) here.



The joy of the Lord is (y)our strength (Based on Nehemiah 8:10) 4th Weekend after Easter 

Have you wanted to spend time with God  and your fellow Christians?   If so perhaps this weekend is for you.

Start: 12 April 2024 at 18.30 CET
Ends:  14 April 2024 at 16:00 CET 

Face to Face

Venue: Franciscans, Rue Antoine de Quartéry 1 , 1890 Saint-Maurice 

Car Pooling will be possible

More details: Visit our Retreats page.

Please complete the application form  to express your interest.

Recommended donation: CHF 320 to cover accommodation, meals & refreshments



If you want do deepen your understanding of Ignatian Spirituality and want to explore in a community how you can live this is in your daily life, these sessions may be for you. 

Together we reflect on the key concepts of Ignatian Spirituality using either the Exercises, Ignatius's letters to his followers or other resources to deepen our understanding and how this personally speaks to each one of us in our day to day living. 

Requirements: You feel strongly drawn to live more deeply the Ignatian Spirituality and you have completed one of the Ignatian Spirituality courses or the Spiritual Exercises.

Starts:  September 2023 -June 2024 

When:  Monthly

Time:   Sundays:      19:00 - 20:30

Venue:  On line 

Please complete the application form to express your interest.



Do you desire a deeper relationship with God, yourself and the world in which you live and to incorporate this in your daily routine?

If so, you may want to consider doing the Spiritual Exercises as inspired and led by St Ignatius.

When:   When you sign up

Time:      Mutually agreed times, 1 hour per week 

Duration: 9-12 months

Venue:   Online or face to face

Visit our Spiritual Exercises page for more details.

Please complete the application form to express your interest.



This is the second part of a course to become a Spiritual Accompanier. 

The course is based in the Ignatian tradition and explores the attitudes, skills and ways of listening and discerning found in good spiritual conversations.  

When:  Once a month

Start:  23 September 2023
Ends:   11 May 2024
Time:  09:00 - 17:00
Online and Face to Face

Retreat:  24 -26 November 2023

Visit our Spiritual Conversations course page for more details.

Please complete the application form  to express your interest. 

A new series from the Jesuit Spirituality Team and Pray as you go introduces different ways of praying, with short exercises. You could try a different session each week or dip into one type of prayer - whatever works best for you.  Topics covered are:

Find out more >> 


Lectio Divina 

Sponsored by the Holy Trinity Church in Geneva

Thanks to our Holy Trinity Church community we are invited to join them on a weekly basis to enter for 45 minutes in prayer using Lectio Divina as the basis. This form of prayer is a meditative practice.  With the help of a short Bible study passage read aloud three or four times, this is a chance to allow a word or phrase from the passage to speak to you and to listen for what God may be saying to you in the moment.  There is also a time for sharing, however, this is fully optional.

When : Every Wednesday from 12h30-13h15 (CET)

Where: Currently on Zoom – for the link please contact  Mary Talbot

Everyone is welcome!

Silence (1).pdf

Step into Silence   COMPLETED

This will be in person in Holy Trinity Church at 18.30 on Friday evenings during Lent and everyone is  most welcome. No registration necessary. 

Climate and Spirit Group


Restoring the integrity of life in Jesus :

A day of spiritual conversation and prayer on the climate crisis

In our lifetimes, we have witnessed how human beings have inadvertently altered the balance of our two great and inter-connected planetary cycles, the carbon cycle and the water cycle, leading to increasing climatic instabilities and human suffering worldwide. 

This workshop seeks to explore the questions : How is the Spirit calling us to be and act as human creatures, in relationship with God and nature, in the context of rapid human-caused climate and environmental change?  

How could a deeper intellectual and spiritual understanding of the carbon cycle and the water cycle energize our collaboration, co-labouring with God and with others to restore the integrity of life on Earth ?


When :  Saturday 20 April 2024

09:00     Welcome coffee

09:30     First session : the Spirit and the Earth’s carbon cycle  

11:00    Second session : Small group spiritual conversations : collaboration and co-labouring with God on restoring the integrity of life on Earth

12:30    A vegetarian lunch will be provided (at no charge)

13:30    Third session : the Spirit and the Earth’s water cycle 

15:00    Fourth session : Small group spiritual conversations : collaboration and co-labouring with God on restoring the integrity of life on Earth

16:30   Tea break

16:45    Final session: Respondents bring back themes from small groups; wrap up and closing prayer

Where :  Venue : Le Châtelard, Lyon, France 

                                       41 Route du Bruissin, 69340 Francheville

                                       Tel : +33 472 162 233

Accommodation can be organized on-site if requested – EUR 30 single and EUR 60 double per night.  There is no charge for the workshop itself.

Conversations will be in English, with a French conversation group to be set up if requested. Possibility to join online.  Please contact Ania for all questions related to booking and access.

Co-Facilitators : Geoff Te Braake, SJ and Dr Ania Grobicki

Contact info/Booking :


Here you will be able to find useful resources to help you with your Spiritual Journey.  These might include Prayers, Passages from Scriptures and many more.  Please visit our Resources page to find out more.

The Ignatian Spirituality Community - Geneva is set up as a non profit association according to Swiss Law.