Tyler Parrish 

PDP Portfolio

Who Am I? 

 My name is Tyler Parrish, and I am a graduating Senior. I am an IU-Online student who is taking classes through IUPUI. I began taking classes at IUPUI during the Fall of 2022 after completing my Associates Degree in General Studies at Ivy Tech. Along with graduating with my bachelors degree in General Studies, I am also receiving the Leadership Studies Certificate. 

Who are you? That is a challenging question for most to answer. For me, I could describe what I do for work or that I am a student. But when asking about who I am as a person can be difficult because it is not something people think about often. Throughout this Capstone course, it gave me the opportunity to slow down and put effort into self discovery. When I began my college career I had a plan of doing a year at Ivy Tech, transferring to IU, and getting into the Kelley School of Business. My path was derailed quickly as I struggled in school, and ended up being academically terminated. After years of figuring out how to be a successful student I graduated from Ivy Tech at 29 after July 2022. I achieved my goal of being accepted to IU, and began classes in Fall of 22. After taking 48 credits in 2023, I have achieved my goals of making deans list every semester. My college experience has taught me many lessons that this course has allowed me to reflect on. First, there are different paths in life. Rarely do things go exactly to plan, and the ability to adjust is important to success. Another, the ability to STRECH outside of your comfort zone can be a great benefit to you. I needed to get outside of my comfort zone to be the student I wanted to be. Graduating at 30, instead of 22 like I planned it has given me so much perspective and growth throughout this journey to graduate with my bachelors degree, and moving on to get my masters. 

Where Am I Going? 

Personal Mission Statement 

My mission is to use and build on my strengths Analytical, Harmony, Focus, Achiever, and Consistency anchored in my values of Humor, Honesty, Fairness, Perspective, and Judgement guided by my curiosities of Success, Happiness, and Fulfillment in pursuit of outcomes and experiences like career building, traveling, and creating a family. 

The opportunity to see which strengths and values you scored highest on can give you valuable insight into who you really are. The actions that you take everyday either move you closer or further from who you really want to be. This course has been extremely beneficial in me slowing down and really putting thought into who I am and where I want to be in my post college life. A defined mission statement allows you to stop and remember about what is unique to you about what you want out of life. 

 Personal Vision Statement 

Upon graduation, and entering the workforce everyone faces challenging questions about what to do next. For me I want to feel fulfillment with whatever I do upon graduation. Being an adult student that has faced many challenges throughout my college career, just having my degree is success to me. When I go to work I want to feel like what I do benefits others and not just myself. The purpose of life is to enjoy life, and to help others out along the way. That is how I live my life, and after graduation I want to be able to be known as someone that is extremely helpful and puts others needs above my own. The constant reminder to slow down and be happy in the current moment is a key after graduating. 

My Self-Concordant Career Path

Well, what are you going to do now? After I graduate my plan is to pursue my goal of obtaining my M.B.A. Throughout the process of this class I was able to dive into career development, and the option to purse a masters degree is something that would greatly benefit me in the career I wish to be in which is management. From being a two time community college flunk out to graduating with straight As and pursuing my MBA from the Kelley School of Business is something that I am extremely proud of myself of. Taking leadership classes and doing career development cemented my desire for this career path. My strengths and values aline with me being a good leader as well. The career development process from this course was crucial and beneficial to me. It allowed me to explore whats out there before I graduate, and it offered me to critically think about a plan for post graduation. The self discovery that I was able to do was to slow down and really think about what I want, and what I need to do to get to where I need to be. The concepts that we touched on throughout this capstone process were helpful not only during the semester, but for what I transition on to the professional world. I would eventually like to end up living in Chicago or stay in Indiana and live in Indianapolis after my school career is finally finished.