Growth, Development, and Life Design 


My college experience has been a long but interesting experience. The ability to stay in school for so long has allowed me the opportunity to meet a wide variety of people that will allow a great networking community for me. This course has also allowed me the ability to set up job searching and career development that has been helpful in setting up a plan for post college life. Whenever I first attended Ivy Tech I began as an immature 18 year old, and I am graduating from IUPUI with a completely different world view and a higher level of professionalism at 30 than I would if everything went to plan for me. Going from a community college to IU was daunting. However, my beleif in myself and my self-confidence grew during my time here. I was able to take 48 credits this year and graduate on the deans list which is something I never thought I could do. After graduating I would like to pursue my M.B.A. The thought of attending Kelley is a plausible goal for me, and something that would greatly benefit me in my future pursuit of working in management. Throughout this capstone course there were many little lessons that can help me in life. One skill that I benefited from this class is transitions, the ability to transition from one life and experience to another can greatly help me. 

Best Works 

Psycological Skills Intervention .docx
PEAP - Ethics .docx
Comprehensive Paper .docx

Interdependent Life Design

One of the biggest variables into my growth as a person has been my opportunity to work for the Monroe County Probation Department for the past 10 years. This job has allowed me to grow as a person, and to work on many soft skills that are crutical to success in life such as communication and team work. There is a simple rule that everyone should follow, that this experience has taught me and that is to just be nice to everyone. The act of being kind to everyone reflects well on you, and can be a boost for others. Along my life plan, if I am not helping others then I am not doing a good job. I have always been a selfless person and wish to carry that on in my post college life. When I think of things that I wish to work on is to always work on myself as a person. Self discovery is an interesting concept, and to recognize how much you change throughout life. The person I am now is a lot different than the person I was, and I will be a different person in the future. From early in this course, the concept of the choices we make moving us toward or away from what we want stuck with me. There were choices that I made that moved me further from my goals early in my college career. It took a great deal of effort to make better choices to move me towards my goals, and I have exceeded what I orginally sought out for.