Character Strong Monthly Themes

Conversation Starters

Conversation Starters

  • Kindness isn’t only for others. Explain how you show Kindness to yourself.

  • Some people say that the most genuine act of Kindness is done when no one else is looking. What do you think that means? Can you think of any ways to show genuine Kindness?

  • Discuss the 5 Love Languages (in summary, we all give and receive something like Kindness in different ways. Dr. Gary Chapman suggests the five primary ways are: giving and receiving gifts, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, and acts of service). In which ways do you prefer others show you Kindness? In what ways do you often show Kindness to others? What are some love languages that you can bring more of into your home?

January- The Month of Kindness

Family Conversation Starters

  • What does Kindness look like in our home? What does it look like in our neighborhood? What does Kindness look like in our extended family, our faith or spiritual practices, our community centers, our sports teams, etc.?

  • Why is it important to show Kindness to people who aren’t kind to you?

  • What acts of Kindness have others shown you lately and how did you respond? How did it make you feel? How does random acts of Kindness help you grow

Reading List for Kids


What Does It Mean to Be Kind? by Rana DiOrio

Ready, Freddy! Kindness Counts! by Abby Klein

I Walk with Vanessa: A Story About a Simple Act of Kindness by Kerascoet


Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson

Tilt Your Head, Rosie The Red by Rosemary McCarney

One Smile by Cindy McKinley

Reading List for Parents

Ten secrets for raising a kind and compassionate child by Colleen Temple

14 little ways to encourage Kindness by Kristine Breese



Over dinner tonight, brainstorm ways that you can show Kindness to your neighbors. Maybe you’ve noticed that your neighbor hasn’t walked his dog in a while. Perhaps there are some leaves that need to be raked or flower gardens that need to be weeded. Are there trash cans that could be brought in off of the curb? Or might there be a car that you’d be willing to wash? Discuss which service you might want to offer, then knock on a door and ask, “Need some help?”


Show some Kindness for your mother – Mother Earth that is! Choose a local outdoor site, gather some gloves and trash bags, and spend some time picking up trash. Not only will you be showing Kindness for local flora and fauna, but other humans will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor as well.

If you feel like sharing, capture a photo of how much trash you collected and share it with friends on social media and challenge them to get more than you!