The release announcement was originally scheduled for September 3, 2008, and a comic by Scott McCloud was to be sent to journalists and bloggers explaining the features within the new browser.[28] Copies intended for Europe were shipped early and German blogger Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped made a scanned copy of the 38-page comic available on his website after receiving it on September 1, 2008.[29][30] Google subsequently made the comic available on Google Books,[31] and mentioned it on their official blog along with an explanation for the early release.[32] The product was named "Chrome" as an initial development project code name, because it is associated with fast cars and speed. Google kept the development project name as the final release name, as a "cheeky" or ironic moniker, as one of the main aims was to minimize the user interface chrome.[33][34]

The release channels for chrome range from the most stable and tested (Stablechannel) to completely untested and likely least stable (Canary channel). Youcan run all channels alongside all others, as they do not share profiles withone another. This allows you to play with our latest code, while still keeping atested version of Chrome around.

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Users around the world already use Chrome on their digital devices to access information and get work done safely across Windows, macOS, chromeOS, Android, and iOS. As a leader in browser security, Chrome has built features and best practices that have disrupted, and then established, industry norms.

Having built a chrome extension that interacts with a site I don't control, I can kinda explain what likely caused the problem.

Basically Gmail has no idea the extension is manipulating it and adding features and functionality.

Google can update Gmail at any time, in addition apps like gmail are very complex different things can change their state - such as going to a settings screen, or opening a compose window.

All of these things the chrome extension has to be ready and expecting to happen at any time -- and be ready to accomodate if those things affect the visibility or functionality of the extension's injected content.

The repair feature you mentioned is likely a function the HS devs who built it, implemented for those scenarios where "something happened, we don't know what, we don't know how to accomodate" basically. 

If in the future that feature doesn't solve your problem, it is likely the chrome extension needs an update to fix the integration with Gmail. I helped build the HS Dev Chrome extension which adds features on-top of HubSpot's Design Manager, and if HS makes a change I may have to make an update to accomodate for that change in the extension.

When that happens you can actually trigger Google Chrome to force update your chrome extensions. That way you'll know you're on the latest version.

Of course force updating will only help if an update has been released. It takes us devs time to make the tweaks and so it is possible it will not function as expected for a day or two until we can get it fixed.

I wrote up a how to force chrome extensions to update article that you can use to update any google chrome extension:


The process time in chrome tannage in leather making, using an elastic compression cycle followed by irradiation by high-intensity ultrasound, is quite short lasting only a few minutes, compared with a process time of several hours in modern chrome tannage. After ultrasonic irradiation, samples were basified in 17 h in chrome liquor at a pH of 4.0 and the shrinkage temperature was measured. The determination of the efficiency for the chrome liquor penetrating into the hides can be based on the steepness of the shrinkage temperature-processing time curve. An approximate value of 20 degrees C min(-1) can be evaluated for the initial slope of the curve when elastic compression and high-intensity ultrasonic irradiation is used, and a processing time of 2 min is required in chrome liquor (plus 17 h basification and 24 h storage time) to obtain leather stable to boiling. Usually, hides are kept in chrome liquor for 2 h.

The resistivity, complex resistivity and complex permittivity of the chrome-contaminated soil were studied. Under the different pollution concentration and water content in the soil samples conditions, the relations between the resistivity, complex resistivity and complex permittivity of the chrome-contaminated soil and water content and the concentration of pollution were analyzed. When adding chrome pollution with different concentrations and water content, the experimental results show that the resistivity and complex resistivity of all the soil samples decreased with the pollution concentration and water content increased; but the phase of complex resistivity, which reflects the soil's capacitance, decreased below the 20 kHz and increase above the 20 kHz frequency. The real part and imaginary part of complex resostivity increased with the increase of pollution concentration and water content. The concentration of chrome pollutions and water content were the two main factor to determine the soil electrical characteristics.

Le chrome appartenant au groupe 6 et  la priode 4 du tableau priodique fait partie de la famille des mtaux de transition. Il fait partie du sixime groupe secondaire du tableau priodique, en un sens restreint du groupe chimique du chrome ou groupe VI B, qui comporte galement le molybdne Mo et le tungstne W[8].

La dnomination du nom s'explique par le mot grec tymon  ou khrma ou latine chroma signifiant  couleur, couleurs  teintes vives  car les composs du chrome familier du chimiste sont diversement colors[12]. Les teintes varies de ses composs sont par exemple carmin fonc pour le trioxyde CrO3, vert pour le sesquioxyde Cr2O3, orange pour le dichromate de sodium Na2Cr2O7 et autres oxydes mixtes.

Le chimiste franais est aussi capable de dtecter des traces de chrome dans certaines pierres prcieuses comme les rubis ou les meraudes. Ce procd a assez vite t employ par les chimistes-minralogistes pour reconnatre les diffrents minraux chroms. Plus tard, cette technique mise en chec permit de dcouvrir d'autres minraux inconnus, et ainsi, l'lment bryllium qu'ils contiennent.

L'adjectif chromique et le substantif chromate sont proposs d'emble par le chimiste Vauquelin en 1797, en associant avec l'lment et corps simple mtal chrome. Le mot neutre "das Chrom" est attest en langue allemande en 1800, par adaptation du franais. L'anglais garde une terminologie latine chromium.

Les minraux silicates, comme la muscovite ou "mica blanc", le pyroxne, l'pidote, la chlorite, le grenat ouwarite contiennent trs communment des traces d'lment chrome. Les couleurs chatoyantes des rubis et meraudes, naturelles ou artificielles, s'expliquent souvent par diffrents oxydes ou drivs de chrome qui ne sont que des impurets prsentes dans le corindon. Les ions chromes trivalents colorent en vert meraude les verres. Le corindon des rubis est color en rouge par l'oxyde Cr2O3.

Le chrome est extrait des mines sous forme de minerais  base de chromite FeCr2O4 insrs dans des roches telles que les dunites et des serpentines. Il s'agit du "fer chrom" ou "chromite de fer" des anciens minralogistes ou chimistes, qui le dcrivait comme un "oxyde salin naturel", qui est toujours le minerai principal du chrome.

Le mtal Cr ou sa surface de passivation rsiste assez fortement  la corrosion et au ternissement, en conditions chimiques parfois agressives, et  assez fortes tempratures, c'est pourquoi le placage de chrome est un revtement efficace de protection des aciers et mtaux divers. Il joue aussi un rle de dcoration, en plus du recouvrement protecteur.

Le chrome, mtal industriel, est souvent un mtal brut pulvrulent. La matrise de la technologie des poudres permet de l'agglomrer dans le vide, ou d'obtenir des formes compactes par fusion dans un four  arc.

Le chrome, mtal d'addition, rend rsistant les alliages, et pas seulement les aciers spciaux ou inoxydables. Il se retrouve dans des autres alliages avec de nombreux mtaux, comme avec le Ni, Co, Al. Des rsistances lectriques sont en NiCr.

L'oxyde de chrome(III), oxyde chromeux ou sesquioxyde de chrome, Cr2O3, vert, est amphotre, plus basique qu'acide. Il s'obtient par dcomposition thermique du dichromate d'ammonium, lors de l'exprience dite du "volcan", dgageant gaz et fumes.

Les utilisations du chrome mtal sont varies. Le ferrochrome, matire intermdiaire dj prsente, est l'intermdiaire classique pour la fabrication des aciers spciaux, comme les aciers inoxydables, les aciers au Cr et Ni, etc.

Les chromates et les oxydes sont utiliss comme pigments stables dans les colorants et les peintures. Le chrome jaune, PbCrO4, est un pigment jaune brillant utilis en peinture. Au dbut du XIXe sicle, le chromate de plomb, rput pour son jaune vif bien opaque et rsistant  la lumire, est dj utilis comme pigment, les couleurs qu'il permet d'obtenir vont du jaune vert au jaune orang mais le produit  l'inconvnient d'tre toxique.

Certains sels et oxydes de chrome, du type Cr2O3, sont utiliss pour donner une couleur verte au verre et aux diverses cramiques vitrifies. Le "chrome vert"  base d'oxyde de chrome Cr2O3 est par exemple utilis dans la peinture sur mail.

Le chrome et certains de ses composs sont des catalyseurs. Ainsi, dans certaines ractions d'hydrognation, mais aussi sous la forme tricarbonyle comme groupement activateur d'un benzne, ils permettent de nombreuses transformations chimiques. 0852c4b9a8

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