Level 21: Crafting AI-Informed Rubrics

Participants will create clear, AI-assisted rubrics for their course assignments, ensuring transparent and objective evaluation criteria. 

Time: 60 minutes

PREP (10 minutes) 

Level Details

Welcome to Level 21, where we'll delve into the creation of AI-assisted rubrics for course assignments.

In this module, we'll focus on utilizing AI tools to develop clear, transparent, and objective rubrics, enhancing the fairness and effectiveness of course assessments.


Throughout this module, you will:

Gather your materials

LEARN (10 minutes) 

Understanding AI-Assisted Rubric Development

Explore the integration of AI tools in rubric creation, focusing on how they can enhance clarity, fairness, and objectivity in evaluation criteria. 

Level 21: Crafting AI-Informed Rubrics

DO (30 minutes) 

AI Tool Exploration for Rubric Crafting

Engage with AI tools to begin developing rubrics for specific assignments, focusing on incorporating essential evaluation criteria. 

Rubric Development and Refinement

Continue to craft and refine your rubrics, using AI to ensure comprehensiveness and impartiality. 

Peer Review and Feedback

Share your AI-informed rubrics in a discussion forum. Provide and receive feedback from peers, focusing on the effectiveness and clarity of the rubrics. 

REFLECT (10 minutes) 

Portfolio Addition & Reflective Writing


[Coming Soon]

Cliff of the Climbing Creepers Coin


Celebrates the proficiency in developing transparent and fair evaluation criteria, enhanced by AI tools.

Earning Criteria

Develop clear, objective rubrics with the assistance of AI, catering to the specific requirements of course assignments.