and Environmental Health
「空間資訊暨環境健康研究室」創立於2018年8月。本研究室主持人為國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系吳治達副教授。築基於地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)及遙感探測(Remote Sensing, RS)之核心專長,未來我們的研究將彙總空間資訊(Geo)、機械學習(AI)以及無人機及物聯網微型感測器(IoTs)等當代廣受重視的地理人工智慧(Geo-AI),基於「Geo-AI於空氣污染模擬」的主題,針對”室內-室外”污染濃度、以及”顆粒物-氣態污染-揮發性有機化合物-生物氣膠”等範疇,將研究的時空間尺度進一步往「四維模擬 (4-Dimention Simulation:水平-垂直分布+未來預測) 」的方向擴展及深化,進而發展長時期、在地化、高時空解析度、高準確度的空污推估模型。同時,本研究室亦與中央研究院、國家衛生研究院及國家高度網路及計算中心等學研單位進行密切的學術合作,以求在空氣污染模擬議題的深度及廣度上持續精進。
The Geomatics and Environmental Health (GEH) Laboratory is one of the research laboratories under the Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University which is headed by Associate Professor Chih-Da John Wu. GEH was established in August 2018. Its research scope focuses on the use of geospatial artificial intelligence (Geo-AI) on air pollution modelling and health exposure studies. Geo-AI involve statistical analysis and different spatial modelling techniques like kriging interpolation, land-use regression, machine learning, and ensemble learning by incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technologies. These methods have been implemented to develop high-performing spatial models to estimate long-term concentrations of several air pollutants, which address the Taiwan’s limited number of monitoring stations. Also, there have been efforts to estimate indoor air pollution by incorporating the measurements from low-cost sensors in building the model. The research team aims to continuously improve the existing technologies on air pollution modelling. Thus, future studies will focus on developing a Geo-AI based model of air pollution concentration variation in both indoor and outdoor environments. 4D models will be composed of horizontal-vertical distribution (3D) and prediction of pollutant levels. This will involve field data collection using mobile air quality sensors attached to unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and scooters. Other research directions of the GEH lab deal with the relationship of some environmental conditions and air pollution exposure to some diseases and disorders, its effect on the physical and mental health of a certain group of population by doing field data collection and utilizing the available health information from health institutions.
For the past four years, GEH has established partnerships with the Academica Sinica, National Health Research Institutes, National Center for High-performance Computing, and other government and academic institutions, local and international.