National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, PI: An Integrated Analysis of Digital Twin and Multi-dimensional Spatial Information Applied in Air Pollution Modelling: Development of An Ensemble Learning Model for 3D Air Pollution Variation Estimations Using Land-use Regression, UAV-based Systems, and GEE (2/2)(112-2121-M-006-015-), 2023/08-2024/07.
Environmental Protection Agency, Taiwan, PI: Integrating systematic literature review with field studies to formulate a localized urban greening promotion mode for air pollution reduction (112-EPA-F018)
National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, Co-PI: Adopting innovative sensor technology and data science to formulate evidence-based adaptation strategies for tackling environmental health challenges under climate change (1/4)(NSTC 112-2123-M-001-008-), 2023/08-2024/07 (Science Vanguard Research Program).
National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, Co-PI: Satellite Remote Sensing Technology for SDGs implementation (1/3)(112-2121-M-006 -004 -),2023/08-2024/07 (Satellite Science Interdisciplinary Project; 3yr-Grant).
National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, Co-PI: Multifaceted environmental factors on health in children and the intermediate roles of mycobiome (3/3)(MOST 110-2314-B-002-083 -), 2023/08-2024/07.
National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, Co-PI: Environmental Factors on Respiratory Health in Children and the Mediating Role of Bacterial Microbiome (MOST 111-2314-B-002-097-), 2023/08-2024/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: An Integrated Analysis of Digital Twin and Multi-dimensional Spatial Information Applied in Air Pollution Modelling: Development of An Ensemble Learning Model for 3D Air Pollution Variation Estimations Using Land-use Regression, UAV-based Systems, and GEE (2/2)(MOST 111-2121-M-006-004-), 2022/08-2023/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Using Machine Learning to Evaluate the Health Effects of Chronic and Acute Exposures to Carbon Monoxide (MOST111-2314-B006-031-MY3), 2021/08-2025/07 (3yr-Grant).
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Surrounding Greenness during Prenatal and Early-Life Windows and Childhood Asthma and Related Phenotypes: Role of Genome and Epigenome (MOST 111-2314-B-400-040-MY3), 2021/08-2025/07 (3yr-Grant).
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: The Mediating and Moderating Effect of Environmental Greenness on Maternal-Fetal and Children Health: a Focus on Neurodevelopmental Disorders (MOST 111-2314-B-002-097-), 2022/08-2024/07 (2yr-Grant).
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Multifaceted environmental factors on health in children and the intermediate roles of mycobiome (2/3)(MOST 110-2314-B-002-083 -), 2022/08-2023/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Environmental Factors on Respiratory Health in Children and the Mediating Role of Bacterial Microbiome (MOST 111-2314-B-002-097-), 2022/08-2023/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Evaluate the Association between Psychoacoustic Property of Noise and Risk of Depression in a Large Taiwanese Cohort Study (MOST 111-2314-B-A49-021-), 2022/08-2023/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: The Association between Ambient Air Pollution, DNA Methylation, and Progression of Parkinson’S Disease (MOST 111-2314-B-227-007 -), 2022/08-2023/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: Application of GIS and IOTs: An Evidence-based Study Determining the Effects of Genome, Bioaerosol, and Surrounding Greenness on Asthma among Schoolchildren (MOST 110-2628-M-006 -001 -MY3), 2021/08 to 2024/07 (Outstanding Young Scholars Research Project) (3yr-Grant).
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Multifaceted environmental factors on health in children and the intermediate roles of mycobiome (1/3) (MOST 110-2314-B-002-083 -), 2021/08-2022/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Environmental factors on respiratory health in children and the mediating role of bacterial microbiome (MOST 110-2314-B-002-136 -), 2021/08-2022/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Assess the Impact of Traffic Pollution on Risk of Depression using Internet of Things Noise Sensor (MOST 110-2314-B-A49A-507 -), 2021/08-2022/07.
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Co-PI: Trans-disciplinary PM2.5 Exposure Research in Urban Areas for Health-oriented Preventive Strategies (II) (AS-SS-110-02), 2021/01-2023/12 (3yr-Grant).
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: Integration of IoT, remote sensing, and machine learning techniques for assessing the acute effects of indoor/out door air pollutants on elderly (MOST 109WFA0910475), 2020/08-2021/07.
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, PI: Development of Air Pollution Prediction Models for Petroleum Industry Areas using Geographic Information System and Machine Learning Techniques (NHRI-109A1-EMCO-02202212), 2020/01-2022/12.
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, PI: Development of Machine Learning Based Land-use Regression Models for Estimating the Spatial Variability of Gaseous Pollutants in Taiwan (NHRI-109A1-EMCO-02202312), 2020/01-2023/12.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Interactive effects of climate and air pollution on neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders: An international collaborative study (109WFA0110979), 2020/08-2021/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: A Machine Learning Based Prediction Model for Estimating Outdoor Air Pollution Variability with Fine Spatial-Temporal Resolution under Climate Changes (MOST 108-2621-M-006-017 -), 2019/08-2020/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Promoting the international academic influence and young scholars' research capability through exploring “mechanisms of health effects of carbon monoxide and their applications” (沙克爾頓計畫; MOST 108-2638-B-006 -001 -MY2), 2019/08-2021/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Effects of air pollution and fine particles on respiratory tract and cardiovascular diseases among residents (MOST 108-2111-M-006-003 -), 2019/08-2020/07.
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, Co-PI: Improvement of human health in Taiwan: health risk assessment of school children nearby petroleum industry areas (NHRI-108-EMGP02), 2019/01-2019/12.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: Effects of Fine Particle Constitutions and Surrounding Greenness on Elderly Health using Geospatial Information Technologies and Land-use Regression (Ⅱ) (MOST 107-2119-M-006-030 -), 2018/08-2019/07.
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, PI: Development of Land Use Regression Models of Fine Particulate Matter for Hsinchu-Miaoli and Eastern-Taiwan Air Quality Zones using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing (NHRI-107A1-EMCO-3218181), 2018/01-2018/12.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Empirical Study on Establishing a Heat Warning System in Taiwan (MOST 107-2621-M-001-003 -), 2018/08-2019/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Mediation Effects of Noise and Air Pollution on Traffic-related Cardiovascular Risks: A Causal Mediation Model Framework (107-2314-B-010-059-MY3), 2018/08-2020/07.
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Co-PI: Trans-disciplinary PM2.5 Exposure Research in Urban Areas for Health-oriented Preventive Strategies (AS-SS-107-03), 2018/01-2020/12.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: Effects of Fine Particle Constitutions and Surrounding Greenness on Elderly Health using Geospatial Information Technologies and Land-use Regression (MOST 106-2119-M-415-001 -), 2017/08-2018/07.
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, PI: Development of Land Use Regression Models of Fine Particulate Matter for Air Quality Zones in the Mid-south Taiwan using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing (NHRI-106A1-PDCO-3217181), 2017/01-2017/12.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Relation between rice production, trade and virtual water cost under climatic change condition (II) (MOST 105-2621-M-004-008-), 2017/08-2018/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Differential Impact of Traffic Vehicles on Cardiovascular Diseases: A Causal Multiple-Mediator Framework (MOST 106-2314-B-010-001-), 2017/08-2018/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: Effects of Fine Particulate Matter and Environmental Greenness on Renal Diseases using Spatial Informatics (MOST 105-2119-M-415-001-), 2016/08-2017/07.
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, PI: Development of Emission Oriented Land Use Regression Model of Fine Particulate Matter using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing (NHRI-105A1-PDCO-3216161), 2016/01-2016/12.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: Relation between rice production, trade and virtual water cost under climatic change condition (I) (MOST 106-2621-M-004-004 -), 2016/08-2017/07.
Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, Co-PI: Development of Prevention System of Vector-Borne Diseases-Assessment of Environmental Characteristics for Dengue Epidemics using Spatial Technologies (MOHW105-TDU-M-212-000006), 2016/01-2016/12.
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Co-PI: Integrated Multi-source and High-resolution Heat Wave Vulnerability Assessment of Taiwan (AS-104-SS-A02), 2015/01- 2017/12.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: Effects of Fine Particulate Matter and Environmental Greenness on Type 2 Diabetes using Spatial Informatics (MOST 104-2119-M-415-003 -), 2015/08-2016/07.
Yunlin County Government, Taiwan, PI: Construction of Eco-corridor in the Land Subsidence Area of Yunlin County, 2015/01-2015/12.
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Co-PI: Integrated Multi-source and High-resolution Heat Wave Vulnerability Assessment of Taiwan (AS-104-SS-A02), 2015/01- 2017/12.
Before 2014
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI: Linking Mental Health with the Surrounding Greenness using Spatial Informatics (MOST 103-2119-M-415-001-), 2014/08-2015/07.
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Co-PI: (2014 to2016): The Technology Development Project of Cross-Sectoral Vulnerability Assessment in Public Health II & III (Title of Main Project: Taiwan Integrated research program on Climate Change Adaption Technology, TaiCCAT)(NSC 103-2621-M002-002-)(MOST 104-2621-M-002-002 -), 2014/08-2016/07.
National Science Council, Taiwan, Co-PI: The Establishment and Assessment of Water Resource Index for attaining Sustainable Agriculture (NSC102-2621-M004-005-MY3), 2013/08-2016/07.
數位孿生多維空間資訊整合分析於空氣污染之應用:結合UAV空污採樣與GEE多時序衛星資料發展土地利用迴歸為基礎之三維空氣污染集成學習推估模型(1/2)(MOST 111-2121-M-006-004-),2022/08-2023/07(本年度第二件計畫)。
地理資訊系統與物聯網運用於基因體、生物氣膠與綠蔽度對國小學童氣喘影響之實證研究(延攬博士後研究人才;MOST 110-2811-M-006-554-,MOST 111-2811-M-006 -027 -;2021/08-2024/07)。
地理資訊系統與物聯網運用於基因體、生物氣膠與綠蔽度對國小學童氣喘影響之實證研究(MOST 110-2628-M-006 -001 -MY3),2021/08-2024/07(優秀年輕學者研究計畫;三年期計畫)。
整合物聯網、遙感探測與機械學習以探討室內外空氣污染對老人短期之健康效應(MOST 109-2121-M-006-007-),2020/08-2021/07。
因應氣候變遷發展之調適性建築的空氣品質、健康風險和能源消耗之研究-子計畫:以機器學習為基礎建立氣候變遷下高時空解析度之室外空氣污染推估模型(MOST 108-2621-M-006-017-),2019/08-2020/07,科技部。
應用空間資訊技術與土地利用迴歸以探討細懸浮微粒組成及環境綠蔽度對老年族群身心理健康之影響(Ⅱ)(MOST 107-2119-M-006-030 -),2018/08-2019/07。
應用空間資訊技術與土地利用迴歸以探討細懸浮微粒組成及環境綠蔽度對老年族群身心理健康之影響(MOST 106-2119-M-415-001 -),2017/08-2018/07。
應用空間資訊技術以探討細懸浮微粒與環境綠蔽度對腎臟病風險之影響研究(MOST 105-2119-M-415-001 -),2016/08-2017/07。
應用GIS及遙測技術以探討細懸浮微粒、環境綠蔽度與第2型糖尿病發病率之關聯研究(MOST 104-2119-M-415-003-),2015/08-2016/07。
應用空間資訊技術以探討環境綠蔽度對心理健康之影響(MOST 103-2119-M-415-001-),2014/08-2015/07。
應用空間資訊技術以探討環境變遷下都會區之空氣污染與建物能量流動研究(補助赴國外從事博士後研究-千里馬計畫;101-2917-I-564 -042 -;研修機構:哈佛大學公衛學院),2012/02-2013/02,國科會。
卓越領航研究計畫:採用新穎感測技術和資料科學建立實證調適策略以因應氣候變遷下的環境健康挑戰-採用新穎感測技術和資料科學建立實證調適策略以因應氣候變遷下的環境健康挑戰(1/4)(NSTC 112-2123-M-001-008 -),2023/08-2024/07(中央研究院環境變遷研究中心龍世俊研究員)。
衛星科學跨學門計畫:衛星遙感探測技術於永續發展目標的實踐(1/3)(112-2121-M-006 -004 -),2023/08-2024/07(成功大學測量及空間資訊學系林昭宏教授)。
環境因子對於兒童呼吸道健康影響及細菌微生物群之中介角色(NSTC 112-2314-B-002-224 -),2023/08-2024/07 (臺灣大學附設醫院新竹分院環境及職業醫學部陳啟信主治醫師)。
評估噪音心理聲響學特徵與憂鬱症風險之相關性:以臺灣大型世代研究為 例(II)(MOST 111-2314-B-A49-021 -),2022/08-2023/07 (陽明交大環境與職業衛生研究所潘文驥副教授)。
多元環境對兒童之健康影響及真菌相之中介角色(2/3)(MOST 110-2314-B-002-083 -),2022/08-2023/07(臺灣大學環境暨職業醫學科郭育良特聘教授)。
結合機器學習探討一氧化碳慢性與急性暴露之健康效應(MOST 111-2314-B-006 -031 -MY3),2022/08-2025/07 (成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所郭浩然特聘教授)(三年期計畫)。
基因體和表關基因組之間與嬰幼兒時期環境綠蔽度暴露的關係對兒童過 敏免疫疾病的影響(MOST 111-2314-B-400 -040 -MY3),2022/08-2025/07 (國家衛生研究院群體健康科學研究所蔡慧如研究員) (三年期計畫)。
環境綠地對母嬰與孩童神經發展之中介與調節效應探討(MOST 111-2314-B-002-097 -),2022/08-2024/07 (臺灣大學醫學院環境暨職業醫學科黃敬淳院聘主治醫師) (二年期計畫)。。
環境因子對於兒童呼吸道健康影響及細菌微生物群之中介角色(MOST 111-2314-B-002-097 -),2022/08-2023/07 (臺灣大學附設醫院新竹分院環境及職業醫學部陳啟信主治醫師)。
評估噪音心理聲響學特徵與憂鬱症風險之相關性:以臺灣大型世代研究為 例(MOST 111-2314-B-A49-021 -),2022/08-2023/07 (陽明交大環境與職業衛生研究所潘文驥副教授)。
空氣污染、DNA甲基化與巴金森氏病疾病預後之相關性(MOST 111-2314-B-227-007 -),2022/08-2023/07(臺北護理健康大學健康事業管理系李佩珍教授)。
多元環境對兒童之健康影響及真菌相之中介角色(1/3)(MOST 110-2314-B-002-083 -),2021/08-2022/07(臺灣大學環境暨職業醫學科郭育良特聘教授)。
環境因子對於兒童呼吸道健康影響及細菌微生物群之中介角色(MOST 110-2314-B-002-136 -),2021/08-2022/07(臺灣大學附設醫院新竹分院環境及職業醫學部陳啟信主治醫師)。
以物聯網之噪音感測器評估交通污染對於憂鬱症發生之影響(MOST 110-2314-B-A49A-507 -),2021/08-2022/07(陽明交大環境與職業衛生研究所潘文驥助理教授)。
以高解析度資料探討氣候變遷與都市發展對健康之衝擊及因應對策--跨國合作,探討氣象與空氣汙染對成人神經退化與精神疾病的交互影響(子計畫八)( 109WFA0110979),2020/08-2021/07(臺灣大學環境暨職業醫學科郭育良特聘教授)。
沙克爾頓計畫:經由探索一氧化碳健康效應機轉與應用以提升我國國際學術影響力並輔導年輕學者提升科研能量(MOST 108-2638-B-006 -001 -MY2),2019/08-2021/07(成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所郭浩然特聘教授)(三年期計畫)。
臺灣巨型城市環境研究III-都市空氣污染與低雲及霧霾之物理化學交互作用-子計畫:空氣污染與氣膠微粒對我國居民呼吸道與心臟血管疾病的影響(MOST 108-2111-M-006-003 -),2019/08-2020/07(成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所郭浩然特聘教授)。
建置臺灣熱預警之科學實證研究(MOST 107-2621-M-001-003 -),2018/08-2019/07(中央研究院環境變遷研究中心龍世俊研究員)。
探索二十一世紀環境規劃新典範的行動研究-氣候變遷下之稻米生產、交易與虛擬水成本之關係(II)(MOST 106-2621-M-004-004 -),2017/08-2018/07(政治大學地政學系林士助淵副教授)。
評估不同交通工具之心血管疾病影響:以多重中介模型為基礎(MOST 106-2314-B-010-001 -),2017/08-2018/07(陽明大學環境與職業衛生研究所潘文驥助理教授)。
探索二十一世紀環境規劃新典範的行動研究-氣候變遷下之稻米生產、交易與虛擬水成本之關係(I)(MOST 105-2621-M-004-008 -),2016/08-2017/07。
土地正義視野下國土規劃的挑戰與變革: 土地利用與城鄉發展的策略研究-以農業永續發展為目標之水資源指標建立與評估(NSC 102-2621-M004-005-MY3),2013/08-2016/07(政治大學地政學系林士助淵副教授)(三年期計畫)。
氣候變遷調適科技整合研究計畫(TaiCCAT)-(II)-跨領域脆弱度評估與回復力建構科技發展計畫(II) (NSC 103-2621-M002-002-),2014/01-2014/12(成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所蘇慧貞特聘教授)。
臺東林區管理處轄內臺灣油杉族群之植群生態研究 (106-chen-07),2017/04-2018/05,林務局臺東林區管理處(協同主持人)。