How to

We will use

  • Zoom for live video (keynote & poster sessions)
  • Slack for announcements, coordination, and to easily get in touch with people

Timeline: What happens when?

1. Register now, it's free!

From May 11:

2. Join our Slack space: If you already registered you will receive an invitation on May 11; after that you will receive an invitation upon registration.

3. Watch the pre-recorded keynote sessions. You can submit your questions through Slack

4. Join us via Zoom & Slack on May 18

Keynote talks

The keynote talks will be either pre-recorded, or given live on the day of the symposium, May 18th. You can find the abstracts and videos (when available) of the talks here.

Pre-recorded talk + Live Q&A

Most keynote talks will be pre-recorded. You can watch them from May 11 on and submit your questions in advance on the GeCKo slack!

The keynote sessions on the day of the symposium will be devoted to interactive, structured discussions of the pre-recorded talks, with the invited speakers. You do not need to watch the pre-recorded talks in order to attend these sessions, but it is of course recommended.

Live talk + Live Q&A

A minority of keynote talks will be given live on the day of the symposium, and followed by an interactive discussion with the invited speaker.

Note: Depending on the number of registrations, we may limit the number of active audience places during the keynote discussions, who will be able to speak and be seen (if they wish and enable their microphone/camera). As a member of the passive audience, you would still be able to watch the talks online prior to the conference, attend the interactive sessions on the day itself, attend the poster sessions, and participate in chat and impromptu e-meetings. We ask you for your preference when you register.

Poster sessions

The accepted contribution to the symposium will be presented across three poster sessions.

Presenters of posters will create their own online meeting and post the link on Slack. Each poster session will start in the central Zoom room with a 1 minute preview talk ("booster") by each presenter.

You can find the list of accepted contributions to the symposium here, jointly with the relevant paper/abstract (when available).