You can also have a look at my Google Scholar, HAL or Researchgate profiles.
Eyssartier, C., Costeseque, G. and Horvath, M.-A. (2020). Acceptation/acceptabilité d’un service de transport par navette autonome à Nantes, submitted in Cahier Scientifique du Transport.
Qian, K., Costeseque, G., Canepa, E.S. and Claudel, C.G. (2019). Optimization-based queue length estimation on arterial networks using a macroscopic traffic model enforcing vehicles bounded acceleration, submitted, 49 pages.
Journal Articles
Hans, E., Costeseque, G., Tonck, O., Veve, C., Glasson, P. (2024). Qualifier les données de trafic routier grâce à l'intelligence artificielle, Revue TEC (Transport Environnement Circulation) 260.
Raballand, W., Costeseque, G., Marchal, A. (2023). Analyse du covoiturage dans nos régions : nouvelle donnée, nouveaux outils, Revue TEC (Transport Environnement Circulation) 258.
Eyssartier, C., Costeseque, G., Horvath, M.-A. (2023). Acceptance of users and non-users of an autonomous shuttle service, Urban Research & Practice, 16 (4), 675–682.
Laurent-Brouty, N., Costeseque, G., Goatin, P. (2021). A macroscopic traffic flow model accounting for bounded acceleration, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 81 (1), 173-189.
Kolb, O., Costeseque, G., Goatin, G., Göttlich, S. (2018). Pareto-optimal coupling conditions for the Aw-Rascle-Zhang traffic flow model at junctions, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(4), 1981-2002.
Tordeux, A., Costeseque, G., Herty, M., Seyfried, A., (2018). From traffic and pedestrian follow-the-leader models with reaction time to first order convection-diffusion flow models, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78, 63-79.
Laval, J. A., Costeseque, G., Chilukuri, B.R., (2016). The impact of source terms in the variational representation of traffic flow, Transportation Research part B: Methodological, 94, 204-216.
Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., Monneau, R., (2015). A convergent scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on a junction: application to traffic, Numerische Mathematik, 129 (3), 405-447.
Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., (2014). A variational formulation for higher order macroscopic traffic flow models: numerical investigation, Transportation Research part B: Methodological, 70, 112-133.
Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., (2014). Discussion about traffic junction modelling: conservation laws VS Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. S, 7 (3), 411-433.
Conference Proceedings
Costeseque, G., Raballand, W., Marchal, A. (2023). Analyse des données du Registre de preuve de covoiturage à l’échelle régionale, Proceedings of the 47th congrès ATEC ITS France, Paris, France.
Costeseque, G., Horvath, M.A., Subirats, P., Eyssartier, C., De Rus, N., Chabani, A. and Farge, G. (2019). Évaluation d’un service de transport par navette autonome à Nantes, Proceedings of the 47th congrès ATEC ITS France, Paris, France.
Ditchi, N., Costeseque, G., Guillaume, L. and Aumoitte, M. (2019). Caractérisation et optimisation des capteurs Bluetooth, Proceedings of the 47th congrès ATEC ITS France, Paris, France.
Laurent-Brouty, N., Costeseque, G., Goatin, G. (2018). A coupled PDE-ODE model for bounded acceleration in macroscopic traffic flow models, Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS 2018), Savona, Italy, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(9), 37-42.
Canepa, E.S., Costeseque, G., Claudel, C.G., (2016). A queue estimation method aware of bounded acceleration: application to arterials, Proceedings of the 9th TRISTAN conference, Aruba, the Netherlands.
Khelifi, A., Haj-Salem, H., Lebacque, J. P., Lioris, J., Costeseque, G., Nabli, L. (2016). Contribution à la modélisation du GSOM Lagrangien, Proceedings of the 34th Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil de l'AUGC, Liège, Belgium, Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 34(1), 1167-1174.
Costeseque, G., Duret, A., (2016). Mesoscopic multiclass traffic flow modeling on multi-lane sections, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., Khelifi, A., (2015). Lagrangian GSOM traffic flow models on junctions, Proceedings of the 8th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria.
Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., (2014). Multi-anticipative car-following behaviour: macroscopic modeling, Proceedings of the Traffic and Granular Flow'13 conference (TGF'13), Julich, Germany.
Costeseque, G., Lebacque, J.P., (2012). Intersection modeling using a convergent scheme based on Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Proceedings of 15th EWGT, Paris, France, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Volume 54, 736-748.
Book Chapters
Costeseque, G., (2017). A Panorama on Macroscopic Hamiltonian Models, In J.P. Aubin et A. Désilles, Traffic Networks as Information Systems: A viability Approach. Springer-Verlag. (+)
Costeseque, G., (2014). Mais dis moi laitier, ton lait va tourner!, In M. Andler, L. Bel, S. Benzoni-Gavage, T. Goudon, C. Imbert, et A. Rousseau, Brèves de Maths: Mathématiques de la planète Terre, Nouveau Monde éditions (+)
Costeseque, G., (2013). Modélisation et simulation dans le contexte du trafic routier, In F. Varenne et M. Silberstein Eds, Modéliser & simuler. Epistémologies et pratiques de la modélisation et de la simulation, Editions Matériologiques. (+)
Costeseque, G., (2014). Contribution to road traffic flow modeling on networks thanks to Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Ph.D. Thesis, ED MSTIC, Université ParisEst.
Costeseque, G., (2011). Modélisation du trafic routier : passage du microscopique au macroscopique, Master Thesis, ED MEGA, Université Lyon.
Technical Reports
Gorji, N., Travers, G., Costeseque, G., Eyssartier, C., Parmaksizoglou, I., Branchini, E., Cavagnetto, N., Altobelli, E., Schaudel, L.-M., Natvig, M., Skuggevik, E. (2024). ORCHESTRA D6.5 Recommendations and lessons learned. Livrable du projet ORCHESTRA. 34 pages.
Sharpanskykh, A., Parmaksizoglou, I., Roche Cerasi, I., Natvig, M., Stene, T. M., Eyssartier, C., Costeseque, G., Huber, J., Cavagnetto, N., Branchini, E., Schaudel, L.-M., Al Sabouni, A., Gupte, D. (2024). ORCHESTRA D6.3 Evaluation outcome. Livrable du projet ORCHESTRA. 82 pages.
Qu, W., Parmaksizoglou, I., Roche Cerasi, I., Natvig, M., Eyssartier, C., Dewailly, B., Costeseque, G., Huber, J. (2023). ORCHESTRA D6.2 Intermediate evaluation results from Living Labs. Livrable du projet ORCHESTRA. 72 pages.
Saint Pierre, G., Salmane, P., Rivoirard, L., Costeseque, G., Garrigos, J.-P., Sow, A., Winder, A., Zotos, T. (2023). MODALES D6.4: Impact assessment report. Livrable du projet MODALES (MOdify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS). 86 pages.
Costeseque, G., De Rus, N., Eyssartier, C., Rosey, F., Subirats, P., Horvath, M.-A. (2020). Évaluation de l’expérimentation d’une navette autonome et d’une route photovoltaïque. Rapport d'étude Cerema. 120 pages.
Costeseque, G. (2019). Prévision court terme des temps de parcours. Synthèse bibliographique des différentes méthodes et expérimentations. Rapport d'étude Cerema. 29 pages.
👉 See also the works I have contributed to on CeremaDoc.
Costeseque, G., (2019). TIPE : modélisation mathématique du trafic routier - Compléments sur l'approche macroscopique, 18 pages.
Costeseque, G., (2018). TIPE : modélisation mathématique du trafic routier, 13 pages.
Costeseque, G., (2017). Projet BOUM : Méthodes d'homogénéisation mathématique pour les modèles de trafic routier, MATAPLI, 112, 53-57.
Costeseque, G., (2013). Mais dis moi laitier, ton lait va tourner!, blog post on Mathématiques de la planète Terre.