Research projects
Principal Investigator of:
SMAI BOUM project (2015-2016): Méthodes d'homogénéisation mathématique pour les modèles de trafic routier (summary)
Member of:
"Ville 30" project (2023 - 2026)
AVATAR project (2021 - ongoing): Analyse et Visualisation de données de Trafic Routier
France Relance 5G Open Road project (2021 - 2024):
Project coordinator: Plateforme Automobile (PFA)
EU Horizon 2020 ORCHESTRA project (2021 - 2024): Orchestrating multimodal transport for more efficient and resilient transport services
Project coordinator: ITS Norway
French Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) deployment projects:
InDiD (2019-2023)
C-Roads and local experiment in the West of France (2016-2020)
SCOOP and local experiment Scoop@Ouest in the West of France (2015-2019)
Project coordinator: French Ministry in charge of Transportation
EU Horizon 2020 MODALES project (2019-2023): MOdify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS
Project coordinator: ERTICO - ITS Europe (Belgium)
EU Horizon 2020 mySMARTLife project in Nantes (2017-2022)
Project coordinator: CARTIF Technology Centre (Spain)
Local coordinator: Benoit Cuvelier, Nantes Métropole.
ERC Proof of Concept Grant TramOpt (2017-2018): A Traffic Management Optimization platform for enhanced road network efficiency
Principal Investigator: Paola Goatin, Inria Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée.
DIRMED traffic count points used in TramOpt project
Demo of platform by Ibrahim Yapici
Inria Associated Team ORESTE - Optimal REroute Strategies for Traffic managEment (2015-2017)
Principal Investigators: Paola Goatin, Inria Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée and Alexandre Bayen, UC Berkeley.
ANR VIATIC 2 - VIabilité et AuTonomie des systèmes en environnement Incertain et Contraint 2 (2014-2017)
Principal Investigator: Remi Boutteau, ESIGELEC-IRSEEM Rouen.
ANR HJnet project - Hamilton-Jacobi equations on heterogeneous structures and networks (2012-2015)
Principal Investigator: Olivier Ley, CNRS-INSA Rennes.
FP7 Network of Excellence Highly-complex and networked control systems (HYCON 2) (2010-2014)
Principal Investigator: Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, CNRS-Supélec.
Relevant courses
DataScientest (2021 - 2022)
Data visualisation (Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly)
Classification, clustering, regression (Scikit learn)
Text mining
Web scraping
Deep learning (Keras, TensorFlow)
OpenClassrooms (MOOC)
Summer 2020 - Data Science by ENSAE-ENSAI
France Université Numérique (MOOC)
Spring-Summer 2021 - Machine learning with Scikit-learn by Inria
Spring 2019 - Mobility 3.0 by Institut Mines Télécom
Coursera (MOOC)
Fall 2014 - Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
Ecole Polytechnique - Paris VI
Fall 2011 - Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws by Frédéric Coquel and Frédéric Lagoutière
Spring 2011 - Viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations (see also here) by Régis Monneau
INSA Lyon (2010 - 2011)
2010 - 2011
Enquêtes et données statistiques en transport by Nour-Eddin El Faouzi
Analyse et prédiction de la demande de transport by Patrick Bonnel
Transports intelligents by Fabrice Reclus
Trafic urbain by Jean-Baptiste Lesort
2009 - 2010
Optimisation de l’usage des infrastructures by Christine Buisson
Enquêtes et traitement de données by Nour-Eddin El Faouzi
Modélisation des réseaux de transports urbains by Christine Buisson
2008 - 2009
Modélisation simplifiée pour l'ingénierie du trafic (MOSIT) by Nicolas Chiabaut
Calcul scientifique by Emmanuel Gourdon
Méthodes de recherche opérationnelle by Jean-Patrick Lebacque
Mécanique des milieux continus by Patrick Royis
March-August 2010 - Impact de la circulation poids lourds sur les ouvrages d’art (in the context of an European study on Heavy Vehicles) under the supervision of Mme Véronique Cérézo at Laboratoire Régional des Ponts et Chaussées, Lyon, France.
June 2009 - Conducting tests on samples of soil and rock (granularity, crushing, compressibility, etc.) under the supervision of Mr Jacques Blache at Laboratoire Régional des Ponts et Chaussées, Lyon, France.