What's Up With This Class?

Become A Better You

Why take Ethnic Studies st GCC?

The Ethnic Studies Department aspires to critically evaluate the history and humanity of the many ethnic groups in the United States, as well as the contemporary experiences of these groups. Such study requires an interdisciplinary approach. Ethnic Studies courses are designed to do more than disseminate knowledge; they inspire, invoke action, and uplift social consciousness.

Relevance to College and Career

In today's interconnected world, cultural competency is not just a buzzword—it's a necessity. By embarking on this Ethnic Studies journey, you'll develop a profound understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion that will set you apart in any career path you choose. Whether you're aspiring to be a business leader, healthcare provider, educator, or policymaker, the insights gained from this course will enable you to navigate and thrive in multicultural environments with empathy, intelligence, and grace.

Becoming a Better Human

This class is more than just a academic pursuit; it's a transformative experience that will challenge you to confront your biases, expand your horizons, and embrace the beauty of human diversity. By understanding the struggles and triumphs of marginalized communities, you'll cultivate a deep sense of empathy and become a champion for social justice. You'll learn to listen with an open heart, think critically about the world around you, and take action to create positive change. In short, Ethnic Studies will not only make you a more informed student—it will make you a more compassionate, engaged, and socially responsible human being.

But is this class hard?

How Much Reading? Every week, online readings and videos via Canvas are carefully selected to ensure the essential question can be answered. The readings may be challenging, yet effective time management is part of the college experience.

Is there a lot of writing?  There is a lot of thinking, planning and desiging projects.  In fact, there are NO 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAYS in this class.  Yet there will be creative projects requiring writing.  

How Much Weekly Work?  Sometimes reading is hard, so weekly class discussions are designed to enhance the understanding of the content.  In addition, visual resources such as documentaries and films will be viewed to add another layer of understanding.

What is the grade scale? While there is STILL an earned grade submitted, there are NO GRADES during the class session.  Feedback and guidance are part of the learning process.  Students receive 2nd, 3rd and even 4th chances until the assignment criteria is met.  In the end, students "grade" their performance as a final activity.  Earned grades are justified through a self evaluation based on performance evidence.  Further information on our learning environment can be found in our UnGrading In Ethnic Studies 121 Page.

“Although the butterfly and the caterpillar are completely different, they are one and the same.” 

– Kendrick Lamar - Activist, Artist, Musician