Communication Plan

All students enrolled in the course have access to PRONTO. What is Pronto? Pronto is a free, secure mobile messaging service embeded in Canvas (like text). Want to see how it works? Check this out.

Fabi on her iPhone


Interaction is the heart of online education! There are lots of opportunities to interact with me.

  • I hold weekly office hours in Pronto: Thursday-Saturday from 12:30pm-3:30pm. Yet I do accept appointments. I'm fine with after-hour appointments. Using Canvas Inbox or Pronto, provide 3 options you can meet and I will select one. We can chat or video conference via PRONTO.

  • However, if you need to reach out directly for any reason, I am here for you! Please use the information below to select the best way to reach me.

    • Regular interactions: Please use the Canvas Inbox or Pronto.

    • Quick question: Use PRONTO

    • Urgent needs: Use Pronto

  • Avoid using your cell phone when you're in a public place. Wait until you're home & have thoroughly washed your hands.)

"Our ancestors understood the value of our resources. The elders told us, 'If you harvest the forest from west to east, you'll always have food on the table for your kids.' It's no big complicated plan. It's very simple."

-Ingrid Washinawatok AKA Peqtaw-Metamoh (Flying Bird Woman), Native American Warrior/Activist